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Invisible Barrier

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Deleted User
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16:54 Fri 1 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Whenever I try to move my mouse upwards it stops abruptly on some kind of invisible barrier

top of screen


bottom of screen

the only thing i can do is move my mouse back

top of screen


bottom of screen

and push it upwards again however it only goes so far

top of screen

_______________________________new barrier

bottom of screen

then if i pull it back to far the barrier moves downward more

I've already tried restarting
Posts: 8,937
18:21 Fri 1 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
What color desktop do you use?

If it's black, it could just be the monitor settings.

Otherwise, I'd suggest uninstalling and reinstalling your mouse drivers.
Deleted User
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18:41 Fri 1 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
not black
i will try reinstallation
Deleted User
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23:31 Sun 24 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
A few possible options:

- If the mouse has a removable ball (usually if the mouse is fairly old) it may be down to dust and dirt stopping the sensors detecting the upwards movement.
Spin the cover over the ball and remove the ball itself, then with tweezers very carefully remove any dirt on the spinning wheels.

- As spinner suggested re-install the mouse drivers

- If the 'mouse' is infact a touchpad on a laptop, simply restarting the laptop will sort the issue temporarily.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:28 Mon 25 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
dark_cloud said:
A few possible options:

- If the mouse has a removable ball (usually if the mouse is fairly old) it may be down to dust and dirt stopping the sensors detecting the upwards movement.
Spin the cover over the ball and remove the ball itself, then with tweezers very carefully remove any dirt on the spinning wheels.

sorry guys that is what i did and it worked so you can ignore this thread now
sorry i forgot to tell you i fixed it
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Invisible Barrier

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