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Just a thought

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Deleted User
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20:11 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Would any of the staff members be able to compile a list of banned users from Funkypool with the dates and their reasoning of banning? I know this may sound a little weird so I guess I'll try and explain this as best as I can.

Basically, I understand the rules on FunkyPool to an extent and I also understand there's many more people breaking them than enforcing them, but that isn't the case here. There's quite a few banned users here who, well, I talked to pretty often and played countless games with when I was known as drunk_townie. Then they just disappear. It's only recently I realised how many 'friends' on here I had are banned. I mean raiden brought me here and I don't think he's been around since his original banning... again I have no idea when that was or the reasoning behind it.

Now a user called murder seemed to know me as drunk_townie so I thought he'd be an old friend, obviously. We had one of the best games of Straight Pool I'd ever played in and I was looking forward to playing him again. I realised he was banned today. Now there's been plenty of similar users who've just ended up banned and it'd be nice to know why.

It doesn't take a genius to work out I don't get involved with the members here and that's for two reasons. One; members seem to be getting banned left, right and centre and two; I don't want to lose my stats because I've worked pretty damn hard on them.

It'd just be nice to know what's going on, really.
Posts: 38,214
20:20 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I dont think you'll recieve any information here regarding any banned members, friends or not Obscurity.

Posts: 10,415
20:21 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
Never gonna happen mate, they only ever reveal the reason to the banned user.

This has been mentioned a couple of times previous and always gets the thumbs down.

I think it would be an interesting read though, like to see why mich got banned again after seemingly allowed back!

murder was everybody's old friend Had me convinced he was warpath, reading back now I can't believe I fell for that........nothing like him!

He was just a good liar to begin with, eventually he lost track of who he had told what lie to and ended up with 5 nationalities

If you want to make good friends who don't get banned, stay away from our crowd......they all get banned every few months, I am the only constant

Didn't realise you were drunk_townie, remember that name, thought you were somebody else, Hi
Posts: 31,220
20:25 Sat 28 Mar 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol, I've heard about that chap...! As your question, obscurity, questions and threads about banned members have been around since the start of FP, and in all cases, the thread has been capped and reference to the banned player have been excised by the moderating team. Plus, no info is given to anyone except the banned member about a banning or the reasons behind it.
Deleted User
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05:59 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
pmsl adam he told me he was quick_pot bless him
Posts: 5,373
06:09 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
What Mike said.

The fact that someone is banned is clearly public info. The reason why on the other hand is confidential.

Common for them all is that they break funkypool rules - either repeatedly breaking minor rules, or breaking more serious ones, like racism, threats etc.

My gut feeling about the most common reasons is people cheating and people writing bad things on forums or in game (repeatedly or very bad stuff).

The simple bottom line is: Follow the rules and in general behave nice and you don't get banned

Edited at 11:13 Sun 29/03/09 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:34 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Post removed by forum moderator
Posts: 8,940
07:16 Sun 29 Mar 09 (BST)  [Link]  
As mentioned above, this comes up occasionally and is understandable, as it can be frustrating when people you have played or chatted to a lot are banned.

The fact is that nobody gets banned unless there is no alternative. As many users know, we are an aproachble a resonable lot, as shown by the fact some people who have been banned have discussed matters and have, in time, been able to return to the games.

For clarity - individual details are covered by the sites privacy policy. Also, serious offences like racism and sexually motivated behaviour are criminal offences in many countrys, so we simply cannot put details such as these on public view.

Think about it - would you like your school/college/work to know you had been banned from an internet site dur to racist abuse?

In closing, the reason for banning is always the same - they broke the rules.
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Just a thought

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