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what do you think of the Wii Fit

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16:21 Tue 6 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
ps3 is better for storing video and other kinds of media unlike the 360 with all that streaming crap.

xbox you could say is better for gaming at the min but ps3 should catch that up with all the exclusives out this year and onwards.

I have both so i'm not being biased and i might even pick up a wii one day when something decent actually comes out for it.

super mario galaxy
resident evil 4 wii edition
umbrella chronicles

hmm not much else really..for me anyway

Edited at 23:10 Tue 6/01/09 (GMT)
Deleted User
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17:41 Tue 6 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
rogan said:
pot_the_lot said:
i want a wii n wii fit stuff i trying to lose loads of weight so one of these would be a gd idea i think.

Depends if you have the money spare to go buy one, in my experience, the Wii's 'novelty' period wears off a little too quickly.

atm no i dont have that sort of money n i refuse to buy from my catalgue nearly twice shop price.

Ill have a think tho i defo think i wanna get one.
Deleted User
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05:08 Wed 7 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
an1h0ny said:
ps3 is better for storing video and other kinds of media unlike the 360 with all that streaming crap.

xbox you could say is better for gaming at the min but ps3 should catch that up with all the exclusives out this year and onwards.

I have both so i'm not being biased and i might even pick up a wii one day when something decent actually comes out for it.

super mario galaxy
resident evil 4 wii edition
umbrella chronicles

hmm not much else really..for me anyway

Edited at 23:10 Tue 6/01/09 (GMT)

There are more good games on the Wii -

Metroid Prime
Smash Bros. Brawl
Mario Kart
Red Steel
Zelda: Twilight Princess

Of course, only if you like these types of games.

Which you should!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:54 Wed 7 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
pot_the_lot said:
rogan said:
pot_the_lot said:
i want a wii n wii fit stuff i trying to lose loads of weight so one of these would be a gd idea i think.

Depends if you have the money spare to go buy one, in my experience, the Wii's 'novelty' period wears off a little too quickly.

atm no i dont have that sort of money n i refuse to buy from my catalgue nearly twice shop price.

Ill have a think tho i defo think i wanna get one.

They are rather expensive now, despite it being after Christmas.

When the shops start to get more of them in the price should come down.
Deleted User
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18:49 Wed 7 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  

i dont really like the wii :D

i personally have a xbox and its great :D


and i was wondering can the xbox360 play dvds?
Deleted User
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07:32 Thu 8 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
four said:

i dont really like the wii :D

i personally have a xbox and its great :D


and i was wondering can the xbox360 play dvds?

yes the xbox 360 can play dvds,ive played a few on it.
Deleted User
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09:19 Thu 8 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
four said:


You do get what you pay for though.

XBOX Live is pretty good.

Not that I own an XBOX, but a few friends do.
Posts: 5,223
11:00 Thu 8 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
an1h0ny said:
ps3 is better for storing video and other kinds of media unlike the 360 with all that streaming crap.

xbox you could say is better for gaming at the min but ps3 should catch that up with all the exclusives out this year and onwards.

I have both so i'm not being biased and i might even pick up a wii one day when something decent actually comes out for it.

super mario galaxy
resident evil 4 wii edition

umbrella chronicles

hmm not much else really..for me anyway

Edited at 23:10 Tue 6/01/09 (GMT)

got both in bold, resident evil, good, mario galexy, apserlutely rubbish
Deleted User
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11:13 Thu 8 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
flapjack said:
an1h0ny said:
ps3 is better for storing video and other kinds of media unlike the 360 with all that streaming crap.

xbox you could say is better for gaming at the min but ps3 should catch that up with all the exclusives out this year and onwards.

I have both so i'm not being biased and i might even pick up a wii one day when something decent actually comes out for it.

super mario galaxy
resident evil 4 wii edition

umbrella chronicles

hmm not much else really..for me anyway

Edited at 23:10 Tue 6/01/09 (GMT)

got both in bold, resident evil, good, mario galexy, apserlutely rubbish

I cannot believe you just said that!

Super Mario Galaxy was one of the best games for the Wii.

I completed it once, and then again with Luigi.

It looked brilliant, it played brilliant, and it was a fresh idea!

It was just great.

I went to a special event to get it a day early, I have a goodie bag from it.
Deleted User
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11:18 Thu 8 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
rogan said:
four said:


You do get what you pay for though.

XBOX Live is pretty good.

Not that I own an XBOX, but a few friends do.

Talking about live... Do you know why PS3 Live is free?

Well here is the reason..

When PS3 first came out it was a price at nearly 500 Pounds! So Sony cleary said people would not like to pay for internet on top of the price.. But not many people would buy one at that price anyway so they dropped 200 pound and then people started buying..

Personally I doubt Song would make a PS4
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:29 Thu 8 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have a PS3, well it's not mine personally it's my brother's, but anyway.

The online play on that is fine.
And if I had to, I would pay for it, just not as much as Microsoft charge for their Live.

Like you said pro, it was free because of the original price of the console, and they can't suddenly introduce a fee now (when the prices have dropped) because they will lose considerable users.

When all is said and done, the Wii has outsold both the XBOX 360 and PS3, but that trend is not likely to continue if Nintendo don't improve their online play, there's only so many family games a family can play before they all fall out and become competitive!


Link to an estimate of consoles sold for comparison purposes.

Edited at 17:32 Thu 8/01/09 (GMT)
Deleted User
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15:03 Thu 8 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've never experienced any lag on psn but have had loads on xbox live...not better value for money in this case

Edited at 21:07 Thu 8/01/09 (GMT)
Deleted User
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15:14 Thu 8 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
an1h0ny said:
I've never experienced any lag on psn but have had loads on xbox live...not better value for money in this case

Edited at 21:07 Thu 8/01/09 (GMT)

I've experienced lag on both, neither one seems worse than the other from what I've experienced though.
Deleted User
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23:01 Sat 24 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
whoa that resident evil would be cool for Wii
Deleted User
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07:51 Sun 25 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
cuegod said:
whoa that resident evil would be cool for Wii

Hmm, better on either of the other consoles though.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:43 Sun 25 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
i only get interuption on connection on my ps3, other than that which is rare anyhow i find it fine. the ps3 is a good online console to play on
Deleted User
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20:12 Thu 29 Jan 09 (GMT)  [Link]  
_pool_kill_ said:
i only get interuption on connection on my ps3, other than that which is rare anyhow i find it fine. the ps3 is a good online console to play on

Yeah I like it too
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what do you think of the Wii Fit

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