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"The" pixel problem

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Posts: 31,220
11:25 Tue 16 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Any of you ever noticed that you're trying to pot a ball but you can't get the cursor in exactly the right place because it keeps skipping over the pixel wehere you want it? I've just exited a speed tournament because I was completely unable to pot the 8 in this way without resizing the window, which is the only solution so far there is. And you don't have time for that in speed tourneys.

Suggestions, anyone?
Posts: 4,447
11:47 Tue 16 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have noticed it, but it is easily adjustable...

I just move the cursor on to the ball slightly and adjust accordingly... Works for me...

If I remember, this has been mentioned over on snooker... I may pop over there to see what I can dig up

EDIT: Knew I'd seen it somewhere...

Edited at 17:50 Tue 16/12/08 (GMT)
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(IP Logged)
12:02 Tue 16 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
sm_rat said:
I have noticed it, but it is easily adjustable...

I just move the cursor on to the ball slightly and adjust accordingly... Works for me...

Edited at 17:50 Tue 16/12/08 (GMT)

That's what I do
Posts: 5,373
18:01 Tue 16 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
sm_rat said:
I have noticed it, but it is easily adjustable...

I just move the cursor on to the ball slightly and adjust accordingly... Works for me...

Yep, since the aiming point has a limited resolution, that's the solution to get precisely the angle you want.
Posts: 31,220
21:26 Wed 17 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hmmm... A bit of a pity though?
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"The" pixel problem

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