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Posts: 4,447
17:17 Tue 28 Oct 08 (GMT)  [Link]

Microsoft have launched a sneek preview at their new OS. This is supposed to be a step up from Windows Vista, but it is recieving complaints that this OS is starting to copy that of a mac.

Also, is it supposed to be touch screen?

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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I'm no computer wizz, so I'm bringing this up for the tech guys amongst you to discuss.

Your views?

Edited at 22:17 Tue 28/10/08 (GMT)
Posts: 8,939
18:18 Tue 28 Oct 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Windows 7 will be the first OS to support multiple touch systems as shown in that video(single point systems have been in place for years since XP tablet edition)

I use tablet PC's all the time at work and its amazing how restrictive a mouse and keyboard become after a while. Intergrating multiple point technology into day to day OS functions will improve things even further. It won't be long 'till your keyboard is simply another display.

However, these things already exist in surface machines and dont need W7 to work, but microsofts reach will push the new technology into homes as well as workplaces, much as it has done for years.

As for it being like a Mac os? well, have you seen one with even that one feature?

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03:37 Wed 29 Oct 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's the same thing I have a Mac it works when you ad widget's. Also some of them is the same thing on the iPod Touch and the iPhone as well very similar.

Edited at 08:47 Wed 29/10/08 (GMT)
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08:23 Wed 29 Oct 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
wow it looks great.
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12:37 Wed 29 Oct 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah it looks amazig lol.
Posts: 5,223
13:14 Wed 29 Oct 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think a simple PC does the sam job. and it costs less
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13:57 Wed 29 Oct 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
But can you use your fingers on the screen?
Posts: 5,223
14:03 Wed 29 Oct 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
i can, but i have to clean it all the time, plus it breaks it
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15:13 Wed 29 Oct 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol.. funny man^^
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19:24 Tue 11 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
OMG that looks so awesome
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00:04 Wed 12 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
having a touch screen would be good but just imagine how crap the gameplay would be if you were playing like cod4 or... swat4 and so on... but i think they would have already thought or that and also the good thing about a mouse is your arm uses almost no mucle to move the mouse around with this your arm will get very sore/tired if i had the opertunity to buy a computer with it i would say no and get xp becuase xp is much better than vista or any of the OS's becuase i play games and alll game runn on XP cand there are a few that wont (i personaly dispise vista i hate it so much becuase it is not good for games) but i have always like the consept of having a touch screen on a computer but it would be much better if you had it in like a table then you have somthing for your arms to rest on like having you arms in the air for a long time would tire your arms out and this would suck if you were a full time computer nerd /gamer (i think this is microsofts wayu of sneaking exersse into computing so people dont know it but it aint much) but i think alot of people will buy it becuase it is just cool to have a computer/laptop with a touch screen.

Edited at 06:04 Wed 12/11/08 (GMT)
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00:07 Wed 12 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
flapjack said:
i can, but i have to clean it all the time, plus it breaks it

yer imagine the oil on it from your fingers and you wouldent want to get any dust under the touch pad it would stuf it right up my friend got dust under his one on his DS's youch pad and it stuffed it it cept pushing on that spot and if it broke you would have to send it way to get fixed not just to your copmputer store they wouldent be able to fix it

Edited at 06:08 Wed 12/11/08 (GMT)

Edited at 06:09 Wed 12/11/08 (GMT)
Posts: 4,447
11:19 Wed 12 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Punctuation goes a long way hsv...

Your posts are hardly readable!
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15:08 Wed 12 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol soz im vry lazy
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16:36 Thu 20 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]

^^^^Wiki link^^^^

It doesn't say anything about it being touch-screen.

Oh, wait! I forgot, wiki sux...

Anyways; having a touch would be awesome, but it would be hard to play funkypool. also, where's the keyboard?
I think the touch-screen is an option. I watched a lot of other videos on W7 and none of them have touch-screen.
AND wiki doesn't say anything about it.
'hmm... i'm not sure.
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01:18 Fri 21 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 8,939
08:30 Sun 23 Nov 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
XP Tablet edition was the first OS to use touch screen "gesture" technology, and its a standard feature of Vista. Whats different about Win7 is it's suport of multi-touch surfaces.

It's not a feature as such, just a piece of hardware it supports as standard, but which has needed dedicated drivers for previous windows OS's.

I've been using tablets for years, and do find the old mouse/keyboard second best as an input option.

I've been playing with the PDC release of Win7 for a bit now, and i really like the new taskbar and Aero Shake. Looks like Vista is set to become another ME. Just a stepping stone between XP and Win7.
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03:43 Mon 29 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
spinner said:
Windows 7 will be the first OS to support multiple touch systems as shown in that video(single point systems have been in place for years since XP tablet edition)

I use tablet PC's all the time at work and its amazing how restrictive a mouse and keyboard become after a while. Intergrating multiple point technology into day to day OS functions will improve things even further. It won't be long 'till your keyboard is simply another display.

However, these things already exist in surface machines and dont need W7 to work, but microsofts reach will push the new technology into homes as well as workplaces, much as it has done for years.

As for it being like a Mac os? well, have you seen one with even that one feature?

here here spinner, i for one am all for new windows but please let it be better then vista, i updated all my network at work to vista and bang i had nothing but problems, spinner don't know if you noticed but some computers now actually have built in keyboard, ie touch screen keyboards which then immobilize the use for a keyboard, they are just in testing at the minute but i think its gonna storm the market
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03:49 Mon 29 Dec 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
to be honest guys lets be frank, no computer is going to be like mac, its called windows not mac, so what if it has some features like the mac, the ipod touch has the same features as the iphone, but doesnt mean its an iphone, things are getting more sophisticated everyday and getting updated, things are going to look the same as other things, they've probably got the same features as its counterparts, people use other systems to get ideas, but there is certain things in these systems that make it different from its counterpart, this is revolution and its evolving around us
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New Windows 7

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