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05:24 Thu 6 Nov 08 (GMT)
Change of mind, master?? pmsl, you said they were barred from entering 2 minutes ago. Anyone taking any bets on whether the clan events are gonna work this time?
05:57 Thu 6 Nov 08 (GMT)
well i bet ya it does work m8 well at least im trying do something m8!
instead of laughing try encourage you are just a idoit walker666!
Edited at 11:59 Thu 6/11/08 (GMT)
instead of laughing try encourage you are just a idoit walker666!
Edited at 11:59 Thu 6/11/08 (GMT)
06:12 Thu 6 Nov 08 (GMT)
Oooooh I am thoroughly offended . It will never work because not enough people are interested in it... The people who are are bad at pool and will lose interest. Most of the people trying to get in a clan are 14 year olds who want to be associated with something and are too needy Should be an idiot in above post too. That is all.
06:27 Thu 6 Nov 08 (GMT)
yh w/e well i aint bovered and that is ageist m8
well i dnt care bout people's ability aslong they enjoy thereselves tbh and why u put its disrespectful to make another clan event in ur about me?
Edited at 12:29 Thu 6/11/08 (GMT)
well i dnt care bout people's ability aslong they enjoy thereselves tbh and why u put its disrespectful to make another clan event in ur about me?
Edited at 12:29 Thu 6/11/08 (GMT)
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06:27 Thu 6 Nov 08 (GMT)
Give it chance mate. I agree with what everyone said about the first clan league run by madmiketyson being brilliant etc.... But that doesn't mean future leagues can't be as good. You shoudn't judge the players involved by there age, there were lots of problems in madmiketyson league with un-reliable players, they were just dealt with, and I'm sure they will be in this league, or atleast hope. It hasn't taken off yet, if the the members running the league take a leaf out of madmiketyson book by pushing all members etc... I'm sure they will be fine
You've got to applaud the time running a clan league takes(judging by what I have seen in the past) and it is great that players are attempting it and keeping this forum alive. It will have a much higher chance of succeding if people don't be so negative, and try to knock it before it has started.
I think they're doing a great job and well done for not just letitng it die and live on one past event for a whole forum that was placed here for events.
Edited at 12:29 Thu 6/11/08 (GMT)
walker666 said:
Oooooh I am thoroughly offended . It will never work because not enough people are interested in it... The people who are are bad at pool and will lose interest. Most of the people trying to get in a clan are 14 year olds who want to be associated with something and are too needy Should be an idiot in above post too. That is all.
Give it chance mate. I agree with what everyone said about the first clan league run by madmiketyson being brilliant etc.... But that doesn't mean future leagues can't be as good. You shoudn't judge the players involved by there age, there were lots of problems in madmiketyson league with un-reliable players, they were just dealt with, and I'm sure they will be in this league, or atleast hope. It hasn't taken off yet, if the the members running the league take a leaf out of madmiketyson book by pushing all members etc... I'm sure they will be fine
You've got to applaud the time running a clan league takes(judging by what I have seen in the past) and it is great that players are attempting it and keeping this forum alive. It will have a much higher chance of succeding if people don't be so negative, and try to knock it before it has started.
I think they're doing a great job and well done for not just letitng it die and live on one past event for a whole forum that was placed here for events.
Edited at 12:29 Thu 6/11/08 (GMT)
06:31 Thu 6 Nov 08 (GMT)
Give it chance mate. I agree with what everyone said about the first clan league run by madmiketyson being brilliant etc.... But that doesn't mean future leagues can't be as good. You shoudn't judge the players involved by there age, there were lots of problems in madmiketyson league with un-reliable players, they were just dealt with, and I'm sure they will be in this league, or atleast hope. It hasn't taken off yet, if the the members running the league take a leaf out of madmiketyson book by pushing all members etc... I'm sure they will be fine
You've got to applaud the time running a clan league takes(judging by what I have seen in the past) and it is great that players are attempting it and keeping this forum alive. It will have a much higher chance of succeding if people don't be so negative, and try to knock it before it has started.
I think they're doing a great job and well done for not just letitng it die and live on one past event for a whole forum that was placed here for events.
Edited at 12:29 Thu 6/11/08 (GMT)
thanks sporting
sporting said:
walker666 said:
Oooooh I am thoroughly offended . It will never work because not enough people are interested in it... The people who are are bad at pool and will lose interest. Most of the people trying to get in a clan are 14 year olds who want to be associated with something and are too needy Should be an idiot in above post too. That is all.
Give it chance mate. I agree with what everyone said about the first clan league run by madmiketyson being brilliant etc.... But that doesn't mean future leagues can't be as good. You shoudn't judge the players involved by there age, there were lots of problems in madmiketyson league with un-reliable players, they were just dealt with, and I'm sure they will be in this league, or atleast hope. It hasn't taken off yet, if the the members running the league take a leaf out of madmiketyson book by pushing all members etc... I'm sure they will be fine
You've got to applaud the time running a clan league takes(judging by what I have seen in the past) and it is great that players are attempting it and keeping this forum alive. It will have a much higher chance of succeding if people don't be so negative, and try to knock it before it has started.
I think they're doing a great job and well done for not just letitng it die and live on one past event for a whole forum that was placed here for events.
Edited at 12:29 Thu 6/11/08 (GMT)
thanks sporting
06:38 Thu 6 Nov 08 (GMT)
Fully agree boys, my whole point is that people aren't interested in the pool, they are interested in promoting themselves. You have people on here who are in the chat rooms saying join my clan, join my clan, which is against the point as a clan should be made up of pre-existing friends on the site. The eires sons clans will be a big success as they are all reliable people and friendly with each other.
I'm being ageist as I find that the younger members on this site are very immature and a pain in my backside when I play them. Having said that there are a number that I am friendly with.
If the clans are to be a success people wouldn't chop and change clans every few weeks, there is no loyalty which is a major problem.
Every success with the clans I am just saying what I see.
I'm being ageist as I find that the younger members on this site are very immature and a pain in my backside when I play them. Having said that there are a number that I am friendly with.
If the clans are to be a success people wouldn't chop and change clans every few weeks, there is no loyalty which is a major problem.
Every success with the clans I am just saying what I see.
And no I am not Roy Walker
06:44 Thu 6 Nov 08 (GMT)
well i know who my suceesful clan are atm
why do u think i put a word to that werewolf clan thingy well they is 5 decent clans atm i have been looking how much the people have been on i have spent days preparing this event just to get people slating it actually i asked MMT is it ok to carry on the clan leagues i think it is good to get a clan event running again if people aint got faith in me dnt bother joining i not one of these people who still moan about mmt website finishing ive got up and done sumthing about it rather than sulking in the chatroom about it!
why do u think i put a word to that werewolf clan thingy well they is 5 decent clans atm i have been looking how much the people have been on i have spent days preparing this event just to get people slating it actually i asked MMT is it ok to carry on the clan leagues i think it is good to get a clan event running again if people aint got faith in me dnt bother joining i not one of these people who still moan about mmt website finishing ive got up and done sumthing about it rather than sulking in the chatroom about it!
06:47 Thu 6 Nov 08 (GMT)
Nice one mate, all the best It's a big workload so hope people who have signed up will take it seriously for it to have any chance. Peace out.
07:09 Thu 6 Nov 08 (GMT)
Soz, just noticed this bit. Well, the clans run by MMT brought alot to the site and the place was buzzing and a great place to be. Then he lost his posting rights and as a kinda indirect result (I think), many of the top players got banned. Now, I'm sure the mods/admin had their reasons but it kind of put a dampener on funkypool for a bit. Would have preferred for the clans not to start again to show what an influence those decisions had made to the popularity of the site. If that makes any sense at all, am usually drunk when I edit my about me bit.
master_pool said:
why u put its disrespectful to make another clan event in ur about me?
Soz, just noticed this bit. Well, the clans run by MMT brought alot to the site and the place was buzzing and a great place to be. Then he lost his posting rights and as a kinda indirect result (I think), many of the top players got banned. Now, I'm sure the mods/admin had their reasons but it kind of put a dampener on funkypool for a bit. Would have preferred for the clans not to start again to show what an influence those decisions had made to the popularity of the site. If that makes any sense at all, am usually drunk when I edit my about me bit.
10:28 Thu 6 Nov 08 (GMT)
FAO master_pool
Don't worry though, I don't expect an apology for the besmirchment of my good name earlier .
Edited at 16:30 Thu 6/11/08 (GMT)
Edited at 16:37 Thu 6/11/08 (GMT)
martin_blank said:
Please refrain from using text-speak. The language we use here is English and it costs no more to write the full words. Decent spelling and grammar shows that you have spent time on creating your post hence you have considered what you are saying.
This also allows all users to understand your post without having to translate it, and allows people who don't use English as their first language to be able to understand the threads.
This also allows all users to understand your post without having to translate it, and allows people who don't use English as their first language to be able to understand the threads.
Don't worry though, I don't expect an apology for the besmirchment of my good name earlier .
Edited at 16:30 Thu 6/11/08 (GMT)
Edited at 16:37 Thu 6/11/08 (GMT)
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