Another idea for the game, related to the addition of new game types...

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Posts: 5,373
11:19 Sat 18 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
With the number of game types ever increasing (and much thanks for that Nick), so is the need to be able to better monitor waiting games - across different game types. Here are a few somewhat redundant suggestions toward that goal:

1. An expandable window listing waiting games.

This would be much like the expandable chat window, just that the collapsed size would be zero (or close to it). It should list the waiting games (just short info obviously), but games for all game types - or even better, user selectable set of game types through toggles in the option section.

Single click on a game could open the normal game selection window, defaulting to the clicked game type.

Double clicking a game could join it directly.

2. "New game waiting" announcements.

Many like to hang in the chat room, occasionally checking for waiting games. Having new games of the game types you like be announced rather than having to actively look for them would be good. Again this would just be a simple toggle for each game type in the options somewhere, and then a simple announcement is made every time a new game is waiting in that game type - visible only to the members who have toggled their interest for that game type.

3. Make the existing game selection window non-modal.

I assume there are good reasons for it, but the game selection window being so 100% modal not only blocks you from typing or otherwise using the other parts of the game, but it also blocks all other browser windows. Having it made non-modal would been a good step in the right direction if at all possible.
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14:55 Sat 18 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I like the sound of all three.

Number two would be useful for ten man killer games.
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Another idea for the game, related to the addition of new game types...

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