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Wireless Internet

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Posts: 10,415
05:31 Thu 9 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
My connection is to be quite frank crap ever since i came back from ireland.

It was poor before but has got worse with a few days of inactivity.

I want to buy a new wireless picker upper pf the connection downstairs thingy so i can play games again.

Im looking for suggestions of good ones that dont cost the earth, at the same time not being stingy as hell and getting another crap one.

Anyone know any good ones, preferably with a link to buy
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05:41 Thu 9 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Belkin wireless routers are pretty good thats what i have.

Mine cost 39.99 and that was bout yr n half ago from pc world.

I also have a belkin usb thing which means u can put it in another room if that makes sense this is also very good.
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12:00 Tue 14 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
What broadband you with?
Dont they offer a free wireless router and you pay monthly?

If not I agree with potty
Posts: 10,415
15:08 Tue 14 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
my router is fine, its the bit upstairs to pick it up thats crap
I just need a new adaptor thing to pick up the connection. one that is more reliable probably a bigger range or summat
Deleted User
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17:19 Tue 14 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh I just have the router and then a ethernet that does the job.. I would what yours is then?
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19:47 Tue 14 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
ty pro

im confused mike lol
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05:51 Wed 15 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Im interested in going wireless free, I Use Virgin Media Broadband, but would like to move the Computer to the other room....Maybe should ask virgin media first, but is the Belkin one/or something similar.. Potty mentioned the sort of thing im looking for?
I asume the signal wont carry through walls/floors etc so is it best to be in line with it?
Posts: 2,684
06:07 Wed 15 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
madmikeytyson, is it a usb dongle that connects you wirelessly if so these are very susceptible to dropping/weak signal if in corners etc. you can get a usb extension lead (cost a few quid from local pc shop) and be able to move your dongle to get better reception, my son has found this very useful and helped his dropping/weak signal.Also sometimes changing the channel on your router can help.

tidnad, I have been wireless for three years (approx) it will to a certain extent go through various obstructions eg. I can use mine at the end of the garden no problems. I have had netgear and belkin routers. Prefer belkin myself-but I would have a word with your isp as they may offer you one free of charge.

I would like to point out I am no expert just speaking from personal experience.
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06:11 Wed 15 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
tidnab said:
Im interested in going wireless free, I Use Virgin Media Broadband, but would like to move the Computer to the other room....Maybe should ask virgin media first, but is the Belkin one/or something similar.. Potty mentioned the sort of thing im looking for?
I asume the signal wont carry through walls/floors etc so is it best to be in line with it?

It sure does my wireless router is in my bedroom and i have 2 laptops connected that can go anywhere in the house i got a belkin one which is very good u have to install the router to the other computers and its as simple as that.
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06:14 Wed 15 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
thanks g_k and potty will check out my ISP first...if all else fails then that belkin one sounds like the mutts nuts too me

update...the virgin media one is £40, no freebies....

Edited at 11:30 Wed 15/10/08 (BST)
Deleted User
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07:36 Wed 15 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Awww ul

I hear that if ur a new customer u get a free router lol that started afet we bout our as we got a crappy modem from our provider my mate registered with em n gets a router i phnoes em n they go no new customers only typical
Deleted User
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07:41 Wed 15 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
sales techniques tho isnt it...£40 isnt a lot of money
Deleted User
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07:50 Wed 15 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
No but free is much better
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07:57 Wed 15 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
maybe ill go and rob the local pc world then....
Posts: 1,630
09:31 Mon 20 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
tidnab said:
thanks g_k and potty will check out my ISP first...if all else fails then that belkin one sounds like the mutts nuts too me

update...the virgin media one is £40, no freebies....

Depends on speeds and that too doesn't it?

I read before that of you purchase M you get 2 Mbps and you pay £40 for a router..

For L you get 10 Mbps and a free router

For XL you get 20Mbps and free router..

Surely if you upgrade, you get the free router?
Deleted User
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10:49 Mon 20 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I dont need to upgrade my connection speed.
Im on a phone/internet package of £19:95 a month and free calls to 01 and 02 numbers 24/7 for upto an hour per call. If i upgraded for lets say a minimum of 1 year, it would ultimately cost more than £40 on the extra payments so therefore, in theory, its not free.
So all i pay is that above a month, maybe a few quid over on mobile calls but thats about it.

Edited at 15:51 Mon 20/10/08 (BST)
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17:07 Wed 22 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
It doesn't work out free no.

I wouldn't know what to do from there.
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Wireless Internet

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