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A new smillie

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Posts: 10,415
09:47 Fri 26 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Im fully aware its been mentioned before but i thought id add my voice to the chants!

The 8ball is pointless. I understand its there so we have all the colours off the pool tables BUT can it not be used for something more useful.

IMO we need a confused smillie AND a sarcastic smillie. Could add the white ball to keep in the grand scheme of it.

Also id like to be able to add more friends, send messages to mulitiple people at once, edit messages, set your status to show when your away for a few minutes and people pm and think you are ignorant.

Doubles would be nice too.

But leading slightly away from my original request, would anyone else like confused and sarcasric smillies?

Does smillie have two L's, its such a stupid word that from here on out ill refer to them as emoticons
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09:51 Fri 26 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
It's spelt 'smiley'

Or at least I think it is..
Posts: 10,415
09:53 Fri 26 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I thought it was named after Carol......
Posts: 638
10:01 Fri 26 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Agree adam. They would be good.
Posts: 2,683
10:07 Fri 26 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree
Posts: 38,214
10:07 Fri 26 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
The confused smiley gets the thumbs up from moi, but am just a lil scouse girl amoungst thousands of members.....who'll listen to me eh?

Posts: 2,538
05:20 Sat 27 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
no1 would paula
i agree thou
Deleted User
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02:26 Tue 30 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
We WaNt SmIlEyS!
Deleted User
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15:02 Tue 30 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Ive brought this up on snooker aswell a couple of times, i believe it should be changed to a shocked smilie, i made one up on snooker a while back, terrible like but have a look if ya pop over.
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A new smillie

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