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Retro Fusion - Clan Thread.

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Posts: 10,415
21:33 Fri 19 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
if ab said that he was just lulling you into a false sense of confidence

it should kick off tomorrow pal

btw when would you think best for ITZ v untouchables? end of season finale to decide title or early season cos you cant wait to play the best?
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21:35 Fri 19 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
i have to admit i think half of us need to perhaps realise there are a fair few others clans who stand a chance here, and should not be underestimated....they are all laughing at us two clans, and will be even more if they beat us.......i reckon just random draw it mate, it comes up whenever it comes up
Posts: 150
21:36 Fri 19 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
end of season finale!!

all or nothing games then arent they, oooo the pressure.
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21:39 Fri 19 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
warpath said:
end of season finale!!

all or nothing games then arent they, oooo the pressure.

but every round should be treated with the same importance
Posts: 150
21:53 Fri 19 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
lmao, its like liverpool vs united though!, most important games of the season, and we came out on top,just like ITZ will
Posts: 9,456
22:01 Fri 19 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
The Most hated never argue becuase if we do then we lose a clan member.

Chant from us !!

We are the most hated we are the most loved!!! join us to say we are the underdogs! we will play the games and fight all the way for the games that we love death till the end thats what we will say. Loath us or hate us you cant help but join our games... what ever you say we will be here till the end!

Good luck all
Posts: 638
12:45 Sun 21 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Captian -
Vice Captian -


Also been called the dark horses!!
Cant wait for the clans to kick off!
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17:18 Mon 22 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
For those that have been apparently sent fixtures,

can you wait to play them for a day till i see whether team fixtures can be changed,

the reason i have not sent fixtures around if for this exact reason in case they change!!!!!
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17:32 Mon 22 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
salsa said:
Captian -
Vice Captian -


Also been called the dark horses!!
Cant wait for the clans to kick off!

We nutters fc have kicked things off already assumed we could as fixtures are done.
Deleted User
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17:39 Mon 22 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Start when you want but i wanna get my squad sorted first
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04:31 Sat 27 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Is the squad sorted yet??? C'MON people If we are to be dark horses get ya friggin games played!!!!!
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10:37 Sun 28 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Guys any chance of postin here when youv played your games so i know who im chasing up?
Posts: 2,683
10:42 Sun 28 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
my opponent logs on in the middle of the night the time zone is the reason
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13:46 Sun 28 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]

the official retro fusion site!! Thanks to emma
C'mon guys it doesnt take 2 mins to stick ur email addy in with ur name an click a link.... just join if anything else you might have a few benefits!
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14:22 Sun 28 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
C'mon people some of you are on so join
Posts: 10,415
12:07 Thu 9 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1ball (seems regular, played 5 9ball games and a main clan league game)
cool_dude (played main league game but yet to play a frame in uk8)
derpatovski (yet to play a game)
dr_daq (yet to play a game)
hightops (hasnt had a game to play except the unplayed game vs niall in main clan league)
keoghz (playing games in us9, not yet played main league game tho is trying)
mar_t (didnt know he had fixtures to play til i asked earlier, hopefully will play now)
nathyboy (doing fine)
pr1ncess (played main league game but only 1 frame of uk, the only frame the entire clan has played)
numnut (i presume he is in this clan)
walker666 (doing fine)

I think derp and daq may be out the clan, dunno bout cool_dude or numnut

Can someone confirm current roster and whos in each game type asap (as in tonight) cheers
Posts: 195
19:41 Thu 9 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
1ball - left.
cool_dude UK 8/8ball
derpatovski UK 8
dr_daq - left.
hightops - 8 Ball
keoghz 9 Ball/8ball
mar_t 8 Ball
nathyboy 9 Ball
pr1ncess UK 8/9 ball
numnut 9 Ball/UK 8
walker666 8 Ball

all i can think of. sorry if its no help.
Posts: 195
07:21 Fri 10 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
8 ball.

cool_dude - needs to be updated on new site
hightops - needs to be update on new site
mar_t - correct on new site
walker666 -correct on new site

UK 8

salsa aka numnut - needs to be updated on new site with a name chnage
pr1ncess - correct on new site
cool_dude correct on new site
derp - correct on new site

9 Ball

princess - needs to be updated on new site
keoghz - correct on new site
nathyboy - correct on new site
salsa aka numnut - correct on site name change

sorry make it easier for me. hope this helps col

Edited at 12:26 Fri 10/10/08 (BST)
Posts: 195
18:29 Sat 11 Oct 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Retro Fusion v Clan Untouchables

cool_dude v mich_is_back
hightops v quick_pot
walker666 v smithbit
nathyboy v hotcoles
pr1ncess v egotistical
mar_t v robdut
keoghz v madmiketyson
numnut v _nick87_

These are the fixtures to be played guys, i have message everyone of you, but if you dont log in you wont know, so good luck with them!
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