After game - stop playing

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:14 Fri 5 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Earlier I finished a game and then was in the game room by myself but didn't realise it. I then later saw the window so closed it. As i was closing it, i saw that I was playing against someone, with me giving away random shots. then lost about 4 pts cos i closed the window.

Shouldn't there be option in your game after playing when opponent leaves and your in room by yourself, either to stay in room to watch or return to chat room or something.

Also, after a game there are 2 options:
1.) stop playing, to watch.
2.) continue playing.

If the 30 seconds deadline finsihes it should automatically go to watching the game not playing anyway, Because obviously the person hasn't clicked on anything so maybe away or something so why play on with that player giving away random shots and not being at the screen? Just an easy win for the other person and pointless. Bit unfair.

Edited at 00:15 Sat 6/09/08 (BST)
Posts: 8,940
19:20 Fri 5 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
This was discussed at length before being introduced, and was set up this way so that people entering a game room don't have to sit there for ages waiting for an opponent who doesnt want to play.

The system can be summed up simply; There is no reason to be active in a game room unless you want to play.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:26 Fri 5 Sept 08 (BST)  [Link]  
30 seconds passed, they missed the time runs out. Why on earth is the person then automatically playing? They should be moved to watching, only solution.

Just leaves the person then giving away random shots, rank etc. Whilst the other person is playing and winning in an unfair way. No satisfaction or fun in it too.

Only logical solution to it.

Edited at 00:26 Sat 6/09/08 (BST)
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After game - stop playing

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