Lagging big time

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Deleted User
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18:27 Tue 29 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
latest java but comp keeps lagging every shot.
Some shots the cue stick doesnt even move back.

Any suggestions?
Posts: 8,940
18:56 Tue 29 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Where do we start!

There are many reasons for lag, and a few different types, but the one you describe is clearly an issue on your machine as it is affecting the games animations.

This is nearly always down to additional programs running at the same time as funkypool.

First culprit is usually MSN messenger. Try shutting that down and see how you go. Also, try cearing your browser histories and downloaded program/add-on files and rebooting, then coming straight on the site.

If it works fine that way, then chances are something else you run while using the comp is to blame. Limewire is a good (and bad) example.
Posts: 1,102
18:57 Tue 29 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
How about not receiving a tournament invite when you were meant to and then getting DQ'd for not showing up? it happened earlier!
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Lagging big time

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