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Far Cushion Shots!

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Deleted User
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19:05 Sat 28 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
When u hit it accross the cushion if your going over a middle pocket it taps the corner on the middle pocket and the ball u hit goes any random place

i think its bad because it loses you a lot of games and would never happen in real life!

it happens to me all the time and really annoys other people aswell

i just think there shud be something done about it!

Posts: 8,940
20:15 Sat 28 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
If you line the shot up properly its perfectly possible to play along the cusion from one end to the other.

Its a straight line after all, so nothing can be done to make it straighter, its up to the player to make their shots just as straight
Posts: 5,373
06:11 Sun 29 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't think you're getting his point here Spinner

If the cueball touches the rail before your shot, and you want to make a shot down along the same rail (past the middle pocket), catching the middle pocket isn't physically possible. Yet it happens now and then in this game.

It might be down to graphics fooling us a bit, number resolution issues or whatever, but he is right anyways - the middle pocket corners do snag a few shots that shouldn't be possible.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:32 Sun 29 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
if you hit the ball hard enough it will often pot in the middle the other side of the table. so try that shot instead

it isn't real pool but i don't hear you complaining that you can achieve maximum screw back when the cue ball is right against the rail, which you wouldn't on a live table.

learn to play with what you have and the rail shots will come with practice
Posts: 8,940
06:38 Sun 29 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I've just spent a while trying to make this happen, and the only way it can is if you aim 2 pixels in over the cushion.

Certainly, andone playing at a low resolution (say 800 x 600), or in a smaller window, would possibly find it hard to aim with that accuracy, but the fact remains, its a straight line across the pocket, so unless you aim into it (whether you mean to or not), it is impossible to catch.

Thats not the case in real life however, because if you play the shot with side, for example, its very possible to "pull" te ball in and clip the pocket.

And of course your monitor has to be level...

Deleted User
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07:27 Sun 29 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol so nothing can be done really.
Posts: 2,056
07:33 Sun 29 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
As long as your shot is 100% straight it will be ok , this has happend to me when i rush the shot and by first look it looks straight. So best advice is to take your time with your shots.
Posts: 5,373
08:12 Sun 29 Jun 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Well the point people are apparently overlooking here is that aiming in toward the middle pocket isn't technically possible if the cueball starts out touching the rail.

The entire basis for this discussion is a shot where both the cueball and target are both up against, and touching the cushion. In that case, aiming in toward the rail at any angle at all (even a single pixel) should make the cueball weer out from the cushion, not run along it at all.

As long as the cueball actually touches the cushion before the shot (not just almost, but actually touching), catching on middle pocket corners isn't physically possible, regardless of any aiming mistakes you might make.

But yes, if you have a cueball that is only *almost* touching, you could obviously make an aiming mistake in toward the rail, which is probably the main source of complaints on this issue.

Edited at 13:13 Sun 29/06/08 (BST)
Posts: 1,630
08:04 Sat 5 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I've been testing this, I hit it straight across the cushion, and guess what? It doesn't hit it, it just goes straight into the far pocket
Posts: 4,447
08:36 Sat 5 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
I won my first tourney by shooting the ball across the middle pocket down the rail.

Came off the corner and bounced straight into the opposite middle pocket.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:17 Sat 5 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done mate.
Posts: 5,373
11:43 Sat 5 Jul 08 (BST)  [Link]  
stulovescat said:
I've been testing this, I hit it straight across the cushion, and guess what? It doesn't hit it, it just goes straight into the far pocket

Try the following setup:

Place the cueball touching the cushion, about one ball's worth away from where the cushion bends into the middle pocket. Then set your aim point not perfectly parallel down the length of the cushion, but at a slight angle in toward the middle pocket. In this scenario it snags and gets tossed out across the table.

YES, I know you could choose to blame this scenario on poor aim, but this is precisely the point that needs to come across: It is irrelevant. Because a cueball touching the cushion can't travel at any angle in towards that same cushion at all - barring fade shots, which are not a part of this game.

In short, in the case where the cueball (or target ball that needs to pass the middle pocket for that matter) actually touches the cushion before the shot, travelling along that cushion and then catching on the middle pocket corner is not physically possible - completely regardless of aim. Player error does not figure into this, it is pure physics.

I doubt very much the game physics are wrong tho, it's probably just an inaccuracy on how the cushion is handled in one way or another, but again, this should not be physically possible.
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Far Cushion Shots!

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