BATRacer- F1 2008

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17:12 Sat 22 Mar 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I know it was done a little while ago, but we never had another one set up and away, so thought I'd try again seeing as though the new "F1 2008" car-set was released last week

So basically, some of you may already have an account, in which case, go to join a private game, and the game ID is "25051". Or you could go straight to the join page,

Those who aren't already members, go to the following website and then join up from there:
And then go onto join the game.

Hopefully we'll get enough people to get a better series than last time (We only had 10 last time) and then maybe have more future series after that I think it will be thinking to much to get a full grid, but more realistically maybe hoping for around 12-16.

10 drivers are needed before I can start the game, which isn't ideal, but if it's still sitting around that after a few days I will probably start it from there anyway.


Edited at 23:41 Sat 22/03/08 (GMT)
Posts: 963
14:38 Fri 4 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
Similar to the above post but we only need 4 more players to have a full line up for our season.

Join a private game, the ID is 24850 and leave the password box empty. Come on dudes only 4 people needed
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:00 Sat 19 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
do you do any racing in this or do you just wait
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BATRacer- F1 2008

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