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going 'airborn'

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
i realize it would be difficult to impliment jump shots due to the use of another dimension but i think it would give users that extra choice and also get closer to the real life 9 ball.

Simply if u put extreme bottom on the cue ball with power it would jump (similar to the championship snooker games)

People may say that this would make the game too easy but i would have to disagree cause not only would it be hard to judge, but also there would be the chance of the white ball landing completely off the table for ball in hand.

You only have to watch 1 or 2 9 ball games on tv before you will see a player going airborn with a shot, so seen as it is used alot in real life, i would like to see it on here.

It would also give the players that have been top of the rankings for a while now, something else to perfect.

Edited at 01:26 Wed 12/03/08 (GMT)
Posts: 66
17 years ago  [Link]  
sorry to break it to you, but you don't jump balls legally by hitting hard with extreme bottom. When you do that with a poorly kept tip it results in a miscue which causes the ball to jump off the table. Not legal in any pool games unless you are playing "bar" rules. Which aren't really rules at all. A legal jump requires a elevated cue butt, a full follow through, contact point of center or below on cueball, and extreme accuracy. None of which are possible to accurately portray on this game. And if you don't like fouling, learn to kick better.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
Was just a suggestion monstrmac1....
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
while I am a strong supporter of Funkypool moving foward and not just standing still, I dont mind the idea, but I think we have to prioritize.

I think for now we should be focusing on career Mode (for whenever that comes in) and improving graphics, mini golf holes ect.

While I would love this idea to come in the future, I think we should focus on what we are now and then look into the future when the Admin is ready.

just my opinion, of course, many others hate my opinions.
Posts: 4,447
17 years ago  [Link]  
Im sorry, I have always been a valiant campaigner AGAINST jump and swerve shots...

To start, it requires a 3D game engine. This would considerably slow down and increase game loading.

Also, 2D pool is what I joined funkypool for...There are plenty of 3D pool games around, but I love it in 2D...

And, my argument that is being constantly used by me, is that it would make the game too easy...

Run-outs in all game types would become a thing of the past...In essence, funkypool would become a "Breaking game". If you have a break that guarentees a ball down, then a run out is inevitable...

A run-out is a true achievement, but they would be the most common events when people master Jump and Swerve.

Im sorry, but Im ready to battle it out in an arena if Jumps and Swerves get implemented.

Personally, if they were, FP would be less appealing, and you would probably lose me...

Again, I'll fight against this to the end...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17 years ago  [Link]  
dont worry sm_rat.......i kinda agree with ya even tho im contradicting my point. but im just glad sum 1 is giving a direct opinion for 1nce instead of answering the question with another question.

i'm just bringing a point up, and whether i think it should be implemented or not i am totally in favour of the democracy.

No matter what crazy things people come up with (in my opinion) if the majority of people agree with happy for it to go ahead!

ty for yr opinion, this is exactly what forums are intended for........a well balanced argument for which the more suuperior idea hopefully prevails and remains a forever dominent feature in funkypool (or am i just typsy coming up with this kinda malarki at 4.40am?)
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going 'airborn'

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