Amateur Boxing

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Deleted User
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08:09 Sat 23 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I was just wondering if anyone does amateur boxing?

Ive been doing it for 4/5 years now...only had 12 fights
won 9 Lost 3

I recently won 2 awards
Boxer of the year
and Most Promising Boxer For The Future
Recently at our home show

So....just Wondering
Posts: 10,415
08:28 Sat 23 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
i dont box but i like watching boxing- would love to go to vegas to watch a superfight lol.

Sounds like your one for the future eh? u in lowestoft right? and u know the boxer off BB? if he goes pro u could get on the undercard
Deleted User
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08:41 Sat 23 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol yeah i train with Anthony. If i was to be honoust he was one of the people who got me boxing...a while back at school.

I sure hope im one for the future !
But same...i would Love to go to Vegas to see the big fight live or something.
Deleted User
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08:47 Sun 6 Apr 08 (BST)  [Link]  
i used to box but tbh i was never really into it just went cause my pal did!! had 3 fights lost 2 won 1!! prefer to watch it these days!! good luck for the future mate hope ya make pro!!
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Amateur Boxing

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