9 Ball tourns

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Deleted User
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05:42 Thu 21 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I dunno If its just me being a bit dim or if this is actuality. In some 9 ball tourns its first to 3 frames and in others its first to 2 frames. Please don't talk about it being a speed tourn as its nothing to do with that. Just wondered if there was any logic behind it or if it was just random.
Posts: 1,630
06:04 Thu 21 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think the 11 oclock am one is 3 games.. basically a bit like the marathons, and i think the late night one is 3 games. This is uk time lol. Others are 2 games, apart from the speed tourny lol.

Confusion wouldn't be there if they named them marathon tournys or something like the other types.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
06:17 Thu 21 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Oh right, cheers. Just I left a game at 2-0 thinking I'd won then I was dq'd...
Posts: 1,630
06:33 Thu 21 Feb 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Aah very unfortunate lol, someone left against me thinking they'd lost before at 2-0.
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9 Ball tourns

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