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its time to discuss again: ball in hand after time runout

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Deleted User
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06:54 Mon 14 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
i originally brought up this idea, so there is no need to alert me to say that this has been braught up before, because it was by me.

but again, i want to put my case foward for replacing the old 'random time limit penelty'.

while it does just take a shot and 'keeps the game going', I think that funkypool should trial catching up with the world on pool rules.

so basicly, instead of a time limit penelty, when the time runs out, instead of the random shot, it is just 'ball in hand' for the other opponett and the game continues. ball in hand in simple terms: just pretend someone potted the white.

although it doesnt happen often, sometimes games are won by people being away on a shot, the random shot has potted the black ball to win the game for them, there are a lot of snookers and its an unfair way to keep playing, as not all random shots end up fouls.

so not only this, but i have seen people liking to bring in the 21st centery rules to pool...
Deleted User
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06:54 Mon 14 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
...because funkypool should be moving onto the 21st centery, not staying in the past.
Deleted User
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08:43 Mon 14 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good idea really but i you may not realise yourself that it is now your turn. I think it will never happen though as it would be too hard to reprogram for it's worth.
Posts: 8,940
10:29 Mon 14 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ah the old chestnut returns..

The simple way is this - how often when playing real pool have you seen someone pick up the ball as if a foul had happened just because someone has gone to the toilet, gone for a drink, answered the phone etc?

Edit - forgot the clincher - ever seen someone claim a foul because the other player has been delayed due to a delay of information travelling over the internet?

Edited at 17:39 Mon 14/01/08 (GMT)
Deleted User
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14:53 Mon 14 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol spinner...

it works fine on other internet pool games that I have played in the past who do impliment the same rule. for west89 question...maybe when the clock gets down to 5 seconds, maybe a different type of beep could be put in there to tell the other player that there opponnent is running low on time.

of course, they may still have 10 seconds left when our clocks say 0...but it does work on other sites fine.
Deleted User
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12:43 Thu 17 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
i agree with aflumpire i have lost games on a random shot, if your oppenent is lagging then there is no random shot untill there time reaches zero so that is not an issue. Spinner in the examples you gave there would be no time limits anyway, and what about in tournys ( it has happened to me where i end up snookered after a random shot) in a real tourny the player is not allowed to leave during a frame.
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its time to discuss again: ball in hand after time runout

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