The Power of the human mind
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08:22 Wed 9 Jan 08 (GMT)
This is an exercise in the power of the human mind
It LOOKS weird but try reading it.
I cdnoult bleieve taht i cloud
aulacity uesdnatnrd waht I was
rdanieg The phaonmneal pwoeor of
the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a
rscheearch at Cmabridge Uinervtisy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the
ltteers in a wrod are,the olny
iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and
lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.The
rset can be a taotl mses and you can
sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.Tihs
is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not
raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the
wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling
was ipmorantt
It LOOKS weird but try reading it.
I cdnoult bleieve taht i cloud
aulacity uesdnatnrd waht I was
rdanieg The phaonmneal pwoeor of
the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a
rscheearch at Cmabridge Uinervtisy,
it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the
ltteers in a wrod are,the olny
iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and
lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.The
rset can be a taotl mses and you can
sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.Tihs
is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not
raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the
wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling
was ipmorantt
Deleted User
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08:28 Wed 9 Jan 08 (GMT)
problem is Sandy this is how u always type lmao
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08:28 Wed 9 Jan 08 (GMT)
lol this is old, not really weird tbh. Considering what other things the Brain can do which is not common knowledge, anyway nice to see some nostalgia back.
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08:37 Wed 9 Jan 08 (GMT)
yeah after a skinful,not during work hours
war_criminal said:
problem is Sandy this is how u always type lmao
yeah after a skinful,not during work hours
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08:37 Wed 9 Jan 08 (GMT)
well some may not have seen it before and too some it may be weird lol
lewis007 said:
lol this is old, not really weird tbh. Considering what other things the Brain can do which is not common knowledge, anyway nice to see some nostalgia back.
well some may not have seen it before and too some it may be weird lol
08:57 Wed 9 Jan 08 (GMT)
Wath auobt tihs scentnee? Is it plibssoe to dichpeer it? (Context helps, unfortunately, but I was nalrey three)
Deleted User
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09:10 Wed 9 Jan 08 (GMT)
i can see that txt type is probably not
i take that back.....its worse, infact unreadable lol
Edited at 15:11 Wed 9/01/08 (GMT)
i take that back.....its worse, infact unreadable lol
Edited at 15:11 Wed 9/01/08 (GMT)
11:37 Wed 9 Jan 08 (GMT)
I Actually knew that Sandy!
Only cos i read it somewhere too tho!
Only cos i read it somewhere too tho!
14:23 Wed 9 Jan 08 (GMT)
I beevile I can curctnost a caitobinomn taht wulod be plalcitracy ibleillge, and taht tihs one is eremplaxy. Prusee at yuor lirusee!
(Read that!)
(Read that!)
22:19 Thu 10 Jan 08 (GMT)
Sort of proves me right... Case closed
Deleted User
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03:46 Fri 11 Jan 08 (GMT)
didnt read it lol, wasnt trying to prove anything, just added it for fun
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13:14 Sat 12 Jan 08 (GMT)
Leisurely perused and whats your point!!
Edited at 19:15 Sat 12/01/08 (GMT)
clooneman said:
I beevile I can curctnost a caitobinomn taht wulod be plalcitracy ibleillge, and taht tihs one is eremplaxy. Prusee at yuor lirusee!
(Read that!)
(Read that!)
Leisurely perused and whats your point!!
Edited at 19:15 Sat 12/01/08 (GMT)
22:00 Sun 13 Jan 08 (GMT)
Aha, but you see! Nobody else bothered, implying that it didn't come as easily to everyone as our friends in "Cmabridge* Uinervtisy" suggested, and that therefore there's a way of doing it.
My apianostirs edrune: it's not imblisopse to catere an iglellibe papAARRGH!
*Wtf? Only one letter was moved
My apianostirs edrune: it's not imblisopse to catere an iglellibe papAARRGH!
*Wtf? Only one letter was moved
00:50 Mon 14 Jan 08 (GMT)
Hmmm! There are tricks and ways and means to make it very difficult though...
Deleted User
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00:58 Mon 14 Jan 08 (GMT)
Cloone you spoil sport stop taking the fun out of it
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01:52 Mon 14 Jan 08 (GMT)
yhi seen it before..
You keep the first and last letter and jumbe the letters in the lon as its always done like this....the brain can read it.
You keep the first and last letter and jumbe the letters in the lon as its always done like this....the brain can read it.
Deleted User
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02:46 Mon 14 Jan 08 (GMT)
your getting too deep cloone
clooneman said:
Hmmm! There are tricks and ways and means to make it very difficult though...
your getting too deep cloone
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