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secondary way of applying power?

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Deleted User
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18:53 Tue 1 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
thers nothing wrong with the way it currently works, apart from the occasional lag, only i seem to get it on half of my shots. maybe if there was also another way to apply power, maybe by clicking on the power bar befora taking the shot.
i know it only happens now and again for some people, but i get it on over half of my shots and maybe this would help
Posts: 41
18:58 Tue 1 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
hmm i know what your talking about, theres nothing more annoying than getting lag before you cue up in an important game and then all that power you were going to use just disappears, although i think thats part of the course of becoming a great player, overcoming the difficulties and the unfortunate mishaps to still comeback from the bad shot, usually if my computer is lagging, you can just see that its not going to cue properly so i take my time focus and wait for the perfect time.

also i think tha old method of setting your power before you shoot is a bit boring as it makes the game easier than it already is and i think power control is a skill really. hope this helps.
Deleted User
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19:03 Tue 1 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
that is a very good point, the only thing is i can never tell when it will happen to me, there are no indications until i have moved the mouse
Posts: 41
19:08 Tue 1 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol well sometimes the cross inside the circle sticks and the cursor becomes slower its only happened to me once or twice
Deleted User
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07:32 Wed 2 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
i get the exact same problem too........just say i finish the game on 10 overall shots, ill have a laggy one on 4/5 of them

ive got an idea. maybe you can change the settings before a game ot choose how YOU want to apply power to ur shots.

Edited at 13:33 Wed 2/01/08 (GMT)
Posts: 1,630
11:04 Wed 2 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think that if one of the person in the game is going to use the option, it could maybe unfair on the opposition, so maybe there should be an option when creating the games.
Posts: 5,373
12:59 Wed 2 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's a noble idea to combat lag issues, it's sure annoying when it happens, but you would also make the game a good deal easier and more or less completely remove the "feel" requirement to applying the correct weight to your shots.

Your idea is good when it comes to addressing the problem, but would also remove an important skill factor in this game.
Posts: 41
13:08 Wed 2 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol i totally agree with that, its like the game would become artificial in a way if you know what i mean
Deleted User
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13:36 Wed 2 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
what i actually meant was have two types of applying power simultaniously. keep the original, but when you dont want to take a chance on important shots, use the other option, maybe clicking on the actual power bar before taking the shot
Posts: 5,373
20:25 Sat 5 Jan 08 (GMT)  [Link]  
bungholio said:
what i actually meant was have two types of applying power simultaniously. keep the original, but when you dont want to take a chance on important shots, use the other option, maybe clicking on the actual power bar before taking the shot

If you introduce an easier option (which it would be), every single player would prolly use that instead of relying on real time mouse movement...

The critique isn't directed at removing the old way, I don't see anyone who read it that way, the problem is that the new option is much much easier (at least for newbies) - and the game really shouldn't have that.
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secondary way of applying power?

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