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straight pool

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Deleted User
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14:09 Sun 28 Oct 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
just an idea i thought it would be good if there was straight pool and straight pool tournys and there was a leaderboard saying who ran he most balls in straight pool
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:13 Sun 28 Oct 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Do you mean straight pool as in the practice layout in the straight formation?

Sorry if i sound slightly stupid...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:18 Sun 28 Oct 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
i dont understand a word you said
Posts: 4,447
14:20 Sun 28 Oct 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Straight pool: - Off wikipedia

Straight pool, also called 14.1 continuous.

In straight pool, the shooter may attempt to pocket any ball on the table.

The object is to reach a set number of points determined by agreement before the game. One point is scored for each ball pocketed where no foul is made.

A typical game might require a player to score 100 points, meaning at least 100 balls must be pocketed to win.

In professional venues, straight pool is usually played to 150 points.

Straight pool is a call-pocket game, meaning the player must indicate the intended object ball and pocket on every shot. How the ball reaches the pocket is irrelevant, as long as the called ball enters the called pocket.

Ye, I play this game type on other pool sites.

Will be good fun, but kinda one sided if a virt in 8 US plays....

Like it though, is a good (and different) game type
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:21 Sun 28 Oct 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
In the various practice layouts that are available there is a layout of all the balls in one straight line. Understood?
Posts: 4,447
14:21 Sun 28 Oct 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Read the above
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:22 Sun 28 Oct 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
You read the above when you do so you will know i was referring to the post zanadoo made in reply to dark_cloud
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:23 Sun 28 Oct 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
not i na straight line
when you have broke off and so on
and there is one last ball left you rack em up but the front ball isnt at the front when you rack and theb last ball is still on table
Posts: 4,447
14:24 Sun 28 Oct 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Blimey, if you play to 100 points, you'll be here all night!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:30 Sun 28 Oct 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
thats the whole point of it lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:58 Sun 28 Oct 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
great idea mate
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straight pool

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