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Posts: 5,373
14:07 Mon 17 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Making a new thread on this - I'm both damn tired of having to enter and leave games all the time as well as having others do the same to me.

(And yes, as long as we have the retarded rerolling and stat resetting going on, I have no intention of playing low rank players at all)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:59 Mon 17 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
ye i hear that im sick of changin from room to room finding only newbies who are fake anyway and then when i makie my own room all i get is newbies who are fake
Posts: 4,447
14:59 Mon 17 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Ye, maybe when you create a game, there could be like a limit button, so you create game and create the limit 700-800 or something.

But your way is probably easier lol
Posts: 1,363
16:22 Mon 17 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Browse through the forums, this sugestion has been mentioned numerous times.

This might help.
Posts: 4,347
17:26 Mon 17 Sept 07 (BST)  [Link]  
_psmon_ said:
Browse through the forums, this sugestion has been mentioned numerous times.

This might help.

I agree. Threads on this subject are already running.

Taken from a few posts down, _psmon_'s link covers what you're talking about.
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Please show rank of game owners in the game selection window

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