Your own 9ball (possibly 8ball) rack

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Posts: 870
02:47 Sun 29 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi, just had this idea pop into my head. Could we set out (in practice table) how we want our rack to be set up, (US games) and then save it for use when its our break?

I dont like the idea so much for 8ball because you could make it much easier to make run outs. With 9ball though it would just be like finding a way to set up the rest of the balls. Just like finding out a golden break. I think its a good idea.

Comments, good or bad appreciated
Posts: 31,220
03:21 Sun 29 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
As in, set up which of the 7 balls from 2-8 go where? It makes no difference to the 9 ball which combination of collisions causes it to go into the pocket from the break as long as there are balls in the right places. Plus, golden breaks aren't really meant to become something that can be got all that often; it that becomes the case they'll just change the nature of the rack so that it becomes less common. If that makes sense.
Posts: 870
03:36 Sun 29 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I do get your point but there must be a way to be able to position the 2 at least every time. It probably could be a feature just for newbies?
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Your own 9ball (possibly 8ball) rack

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