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How about a fj room?

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Posts: 272
05:09 Thu 5 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Sick of these fj's spamming up our forums jokes, how about an online fj room? this could be hidden to non fj's which would require a usergroup - so mods or admins can add them to fj usergroup such as steph can make me a fj to be aloud in the room (example) sure this would be a great idea ...
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05:23 Thu 5 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
OOER! YAY a NON FJ making a thread like this hehe WD.
Firstly FJ's are only spesh to each other (not everyone knows what an FJ is!)
FJ Is something that I made up and has caught on (Guess what, someone on Snooker sed" I Wanna be an FJ"! theres a FunkyPooler on Snooker whos made it his Mission to become a Snook FJ b4

I am obv going to agree to an FJ only room tho i dont think it will happen for a few reasons

1) If there was an FJ room..there wud be NO NEW FJ's (Cos they wud chat and not post!!!)

2) Other ppl will want rooms too, OR us FJ's would get abuse for having a privilage

Soooooo as much as id luv it... it wont happen.

~ Paula AKA founder of the FJ's ~
Posts: 272
05:27 Thu 5 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
could see what you mean, howeverif fj's stop posting you can remove then from the usergroup for non posting etc, people cant abuse you its just pathetic, you can do things to promote all users into the fj usergroup such as me" say i make a few thousend posts without spamming that would make me a fj if the group agrees, as i said above only mod's and admins to change the users group, who would want a room tho? as u said on msn to me all they do is have fights and talk crap.. thats immature .. let them keep the chat room lol
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05:34 Thu 5 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
WHO Could remove them??

We MAY get ppl posting crap JUST to become an FJ!

im NOT dissagreeing here, im just saying i dont think Admin will allow it thats all.

HINT: You could change the name of the funky blues room to the Funky FJ Room tho
Posts: 272
05:38 Thu 5 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
lol, yea but if u read proper i said anyone who posts crap wont be a fj.. it has to b real posts and things, as you said on msn we could fight over it all day, was an idea for your fj idea .. il leave it with you?
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05:46 Thu 5 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Llew ID LOVE an FJ only room..really its a great idea..just one that i dont think will be given much thought to tbh.

Lets see what others think Yh?

Leave your views please.
Deleted User
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06:21 Thu 5 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
great idea cant see it happening tho

simply for the points that paula pointed out
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08:05 Thu 5 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep i think its a great idea too! paula said there would be lots of problems with it, so i somehow dont think it will happen even if we want it too
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09:08 Fri 6 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
thats a great idea. I personally think that there should be a chat room titled "misguided and desperate" for all the people who come to funkypool looking for companionship. The chat room is really anoying because of all these types.

However, back to the topic..

Edited by forum moderator spinner, at 14:38 Sat 7/07/07 (BST)
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19:47 Sat 7 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I reckon people would spam the forum just to become an FJ, but that happens anyway so moving on!

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02:03 Sun 8 Jul 07 (BST)  [Link]  
good idea but like dave said people would just spam the forums
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How about a fj room?

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