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Backspin failure

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Posts: 31,220
20:43 Tue 19 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I've just gone out of the US 8 ball speed tourney semi-final because I potted the black into one corner pocket and the white flew into the other. Now, I put a ton of backspin on the white so that this wouldn't happen, but it didn't make the blindest bit of difference and the white followed the same trajectory it would have if I'd hit it in its center. Anyone else ever had this problem?

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:08 Wed 20 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Maybe that angle you had on the ball meant the spin didnt make the slightest bit of difference, i dunno tho...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:20 Wed 20 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
What gunners said is very true, and yes it's definitely happened to me, not once, not twice, but many times, to be honest it all depends on where the cue ball is placed, I've realised that and to prevent the cue ball from scratching you just have to try your level best to aim for another pocket or a simpler method, such as hit the ball very lightly but ensure there is enough power so the ball can go in
Posts: 31,220
16:28 Wed 20 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Ya, I'm thinking it's maybe that the angle the white was at was it. Still, I was very disappointed at haveing slogged through three or four rounds of a speed tourney and then got eliminated by something so trivial. Anyway... better luck next time I guess!!! See y'all at 1 am...
Posts: 31,220
20:02 Wed 20 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
BY THE WAY... where did my other thread go? Strange...
Posts: 31,220
22:42 Wed 20 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Just happened again. Nick87 and my good self were playing some US 8 ball. This time it was topspin I tried, and it had no effect, and the white fired into the middle pocket instead of moving forward after contact. Cost me the game. The angle was about 10°-15°, maybe even less.


Edited at 03:43 Thu 21/06/07 (BST)
Posts: 493
23:46 Sat 23 Jun 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Have you tried playing snooker? The spin on that is absolutely crazy =S At least pool is not like that. As for your problem, I can't help (sorry!), but I'm sure there is a solution.
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Backspin failure

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