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reracks please?

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Posts: 10,415
18 years ago  [Link]  
how about a button that both can press to rerack balls.
was in 8ball final 2nite where we both fouled 20 or 30 times in a row cos there was no other shot to play not to lose the game.
just thought as ten people were watchin and a couple waiting for next game to watch it must be boring lol and it deffo was for me.
So maybe that would be a good idea for extreme situations say where ten or more fouls are commited in a row to have a rerack option.
Deleted User
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18 years ago  [Link]  
i agree mike, was thinking about that before myself, been in that situation numerous times before, very frustrating, i usually end up being the one to throw it away cos i just get fed up!

Good suggestion!

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18 years ago  [Link]  
I don't know the situation but it sounds to me like neither player was inventive enough to turn the situation to their advantage.

I've been in some impossible looking positions but as soon as my opponent starts deliberately fouling it always leaves a door open one way or another. Trying not to lose and trying to win are two different mentalities.

Having a rerack button would create arguements because I would probably never agree and would end up getting abuse and being called a cheat.
Posts: 10,415
18 years ago  [Link]  
he had one ball over top left bag right on bag and i had 3 balls surrounding it no way thru to his ball. the black was in the middle on the left hand side. i ended up after twenty or thirty fouls knocking one ball out to cover black so i could move it and he just potted it so i ended up using the black ball to knock his ball in and leave the black safe against my ball. he had a free shot and then i cleared up.
it wasnt impossible it just took ages and i dont mean a rerack for just anything. i mean when twenty odd fouls have been played in a row the players are obviously stuck so a rerack would be a nice option.
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18 years ago  [Link]  
I agree with myfriendfats points. Would cause arguments and disturb the flow of play. How many times would this be used if it was coded into the game? I think almost never. I think there are better ideas that should be introduced into the game before this one mike!

Posts: 10,415
18 years ago  [Link]  
1_eye said:
I agree with myfriendfats points.

wow i dont believe it lol
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18 years ago  [Link]  
There must be something unique with the positioning of the moon at 12:52 this afternoon.

Posts: 4,347
18 years ago  [Link]  
I can see madmikealsation's point here.

The problem is that when that situation occurs, it's the sporting player who will usually do the decent thing eventually, and try something imaginative that 99% of the time will lose the frame.

I'm not sure that a rerack is the solution, but although my SUPERBRAIN is addressing the issue right now, I can't think of any sensible solution.

I think deliberate fouls being outlawed would solve it, but there's no way for the system to determine what's 'deliberate'.

Maybe a free-ball being awarded after three or four consecutive fouls, but even that seems too complicated and won't solve every situation.

Edited at 15:14 Wed 6/06/07 (BST)
Deleted User
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18 years ago  [Link]  
i think a rerack button would work, both players would have to press it for it to work, so as long as the game is won properly without having to play a stalemate and win be fluke or mistake it doesnt matter about the flow of the game lol
Posts: 8,940
18 years ago  [Link]  
This is another situation where the draw button (as suggested on snooker for similar situations and on the last thread like this) could be used.

Very simply, it gives a fair end to the frame which both players agree to. No-one rank changes, and can also be used in the even that people both want to leave a ranked game when a tourney invite comes.

As i see it, it works like an invitation. One person presses the draw button, the other player either accepts or declines.

It cant be abused, and wont get in the way of anyone who doesnt want/need it.

Deleted User
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18 years ago  [Link]  
spinner said:
This is another situation where the draw button (as suggested on snooker for similar situations and on the last thread like this) could be used.

Very simply, it gives a fair end to the frame which both players agree to. No-one rank changes, and can also be used in the even that people both want to leave a ranked game when a tourney invite comes.

As i see it, it works like an invitation. One person presses the draw button, the other player either accepts or declines.

It cant be abused, and wont get in the way of anyone who doesnt want/need it.


that would be class also lol AND could have a games drawn league table which i would be top of haha

Edited at 18:00 Wed 6/06/07 (BST)
Posts: 4,347
18 years ago  [Link]  
This is another situation where the draw button (as suggested on snooker for similar situations and on the last thread like this) could be used.

The draw button crossed my mind. I think that in a ranked game, it'd be okay, but not totally needed as nobody else is waiting for you to finish the game and disqualificaion isn't a possibility (but would help bring about a fair finish. Mike was originally referring to a tourny game, in which case a draw would be exactly the same as a rerack.

Edited at 19:18 Wed 6/06/07 (BST)
Posts: 8,940
18 years ago  [Link]  
I was hoping that since the rack button isnt used in tournament games, the draw feature would effectively be a re-rack meaning the tournament can't finish on a draw.
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reracks please?

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