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Proposal for Pro Games

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Posts: 1,363
11:51 Wed 25 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
would it be possible to make the pro game's rank static so players who do wish to play it dont loose the positions on the rank table's
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14:07 Wed 25 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Nick, Spinner - what about my suggestion?

Don't get me wrong in all this because I do enjoy playing on the smaller tables but if they were just a little bit bigger it would be perfect don't you think?

Most people wouldn't notice after a couple of games if the table was mid way between the two sizes and there would be a slightly greater range of shots available to the user and the balls would block each other slightly less than they do.

It's a good compromise and then we could concentrate on introducing new games with the new standard sized table in place!
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14:10 Wed 25 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
....anyway, which table type represents the real life american pool table dimensions? Surely that's the way to go?
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14:10 Wed 25 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
going against everything i have ever said about pro games but i really think they should be scrapped and implement some new game option like raising the cue height and being able to perform trickshots etc.but to make up for the pro games going i think killer would be a great addition.

Edited at 19:12 Wed 25/04/07 (BST)
Deleted User
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14:14 Wed 25 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
all this swerve and jump shot thing is a load of rubbish. the whole reason why funkypool is so addictive is because it's easy to play. If I wanted those I'd buy a simulator
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14:21 Wed 25 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
right if that idea doesn't work then i think killer should be implemented in a pro table because it would be a shame to see them tables be hardly used otherwise.
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14:41 Wed 25 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
I like the idea of killer, will be hard to implement though

I hope the pro tournaments don't disappear before the bank holiday coz I've got days off work next week so I can actually play in some!
Posts: 2,939
16:03 Fri 27 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
wass the point in spoiling the rankings anyway thats the reason i play anyway its something 2 play for if u wanna play fellow pros without rankings play them in a friendly
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19:10 Fri 27 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
Personally I'm dead against the pro tables being completely deleted, I mean what's the harm in keeping them if only so they are available if you find someone who wants to play? By all means stop the ranking counting towards the overall and limit the tournaments to just a few per week (as long as they are at playable times) if that's what it's about.

Nick I think you're gravely wrong in putting so much emphasis on the statistics. Take me for example - I know I've contributed to the higher %age of games played on the small tables yet I love the pro tables and as has been said many times before, all the better players on funkypool love the pro tables. I just can't understand why you would consider deleting them all together!

Anyway, still waiting on a response to my excellent suggestion of making the preferred tables slightly larger in size....

Deleted User
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19:22 Fri 27 Apr 07 (BST)  [Link]  
... and can I emphasise again - please don't remove the pro tournaments until at least the 7th of May!

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Proposal for Pro Games

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