
Player Details

Won   Lost
silence_hill silence_hill
Micro 9 Ball Tournament - whocares8x8 (0) loses to silence_hill (1)
RANKINGS: silence_hill 822.0 (+3.9), whocares8x8 806.1 (-3.8)
07:52 Thu 13/03/25 (GMT)
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
Micro 9 Ball Tournament - monkey_mad (0) loses to whocares8x8 (1)
RANKINGS: whocares8x8 809.9 (+2.5), monkey_mad 732.1 (-2.4)
07:49 Thu 13/03/25 (GMT)
monkey_mad monkey_mad
silence_hill silence_hill
Mega Points Random Tournament (9 Ball Billiards) - whocares8x8 (2) loses to silence_hill (4)
RANKINGS: silence_hill 818.1 (+4.1), whocares8x8 807.4 (-3.9)
07:31 Thu 13/03/25 (GMT)
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
Mega Points Random Tournament (9 Ball Billiards) - silence_hill (3) loses to whocares8x8 (2) who potted a 3-9 combination
RANKINGS: whocares8x8 811.3 (+4.5), silence_hill 814.0 (-4.3)
07:29 Thu 13/03/25 (GMT)
silence_hill silence_hill
silence_hill silence_hill
Mega Points Random Tournament (9 Ball Billiards) - whocares8x8 (1) loses to silence_hill (3)
RANKINGS: silence_hill 818.3 (+4.0), whocares8x8 806.8 (-3.9)
07:27 Thu 13/03/25 (GMT)
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
silence_hill silence_hill
Mega Points Random Tournament (9 Ball Billiards) - whocares8x8 (1) loses to silence_hill (2) who ran the rack!
RANKINGS: silence_hill 814.3 (+4.3), whocares8x8 810.7 (-4.1)
07:24 Thu 13/03/25 (GMT)
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
silence_hill silence_hill
Mega Points Random Tournament (9 Ball Billiards) - whocares8x8 (1) loses to silence_hill (1) who potted a 2-9 combination
RANKINGS: silence_hill 810.0 (+4.5), whocares8x8 814.8 (-4.4)
07:23 Thu 13/03/25 (GMT)
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
Mega Points Random Tournament (9 Ball Billiards) - silence_hill (0) loses to whocares8x8 (1)
RANKINGS: whocares8x8 819.2 (+4.0), silence_hill 805.5 (-3.8)
07:22 Thu 13/03/25 (GMT)
silence_hill silence_hill
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
Mega Points Random Tournament (8 Ball Pool UK) - pool_pirate (0) loses to whocares8x8 (3) (by default, pool_pirate left the game)
RANKINGS: whocares8x8 795.4 (+1.9), pool_pirate 721.1 (-1.8)
07:19 Thu 13/03/25 (GMT)
pool_pirate pool_pirate
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
Mega Points Random Tournament (8 Ball Pool UK) - pool_pirate (0) loses to whocares8x8 (2) with 6 balls remaining
RANKINGS: whocares8x8 793.5 (+2.0), pool_pirate 722.9 (-1.9)
07:17 Thu 13/03/25 (GMT)
pool_pirate pool_pirate
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
Mega Points Random Tournament (8 Ball Pool UK) - pool_pirate (0) loses to whocares8x8 (1) by a foul on the black
RANKINGS: whocares8x8 791.5 (+2.0), pool_pirate 724.8 (-1.9)
07:14 Thu 13/03/25 (GMT)
pool_pirate pool_pirate
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
Straight Speed Tournament - whocares8x8 (1) 46-8 (0) n0trespondin
RANKINGS: whocares8x8 779.2 (+1.8), n0trespondin 597.8 (-1.7)
15:22 Wed 12/03/25 (GMT)
n0trespondin n0trespondin
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
Random multi discipline (8 Ball Billiards) - monkey_mad (0) loses to whocares8x8 (1) on the black
RANKINGS: whocares8x8 782.8 (+3.3), monkey_mad 743.0 (-3.2)
15:52 Tue 11/03/25 (GMT)
monkey_mad monkey_mad
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
Random multi discipline (9 Ball Billiards) - apparition (0) loses to whocares8x8 (1)
RANKINGS: whocares8x8 816.2 (+0.7), apparition 679.7 (-1.6)
15:48 Tue 11/03/25 (GMT)
apparition apparition
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
Micro 9 Ball Tournament - wellsey (0) loses to whocares8x8 (1) who potted a 2-9 combination
RANKINGS: whocares8x8 816.0 (+1.9), wellsey 698.2 (-1.8)
19:48 Mon 10/03/25 (GMT)
wellsey wellsey
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
Straight Speed Tournament - whocares8x8 (1) 14-1 (0) sweden (by default, sweden left the game)
RANKINGS: whocares8x8 777.4 (+1.4), sweden 555.7 (-1.0)
18:57 Mon 10/03/25 (GMT)
sweden sweden
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
Micro 8 Ball Tournament - 1898p (0) loses to whocares8x8 (1) with 2 balls remaining
RANKINGS: whocares8x8 780.0 (+2.9), 1898p 723.2 (-2.8)
18:25 Mon 10/03/25 (GMT)
1898p 1898p
silence_hill silence_hill
Micro 9 Ball Tournament - whocares8x8 (0) loses to silence_hill (1)
RANKINGS: silence_hill 840.0 (+3.6), whocares8x8 814.1 (-3.5)
07:54 Mon 10/03/25 (GMT)
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
Micro 9 Ball Tournament - top (0) loses to whocares8x8 (1)
RANKINGS: whocares8x8 817.6 (+0.2), top 673.5 (-1.5)
07:50 Mon 10/03/25 (GMT)
top top
whocares8x8 whocares8x8
Mega Points Random Tournament (8 Ball Pool UK) - silence_hill (2) loses to whocares8x8 (4) with 3 balls remaining
RANKINGS: whocares8x8 791.0 (+3.8), silence_hill 820.6 (-3.7)
07:40 Mon 10/03/25 (GMT)
silence_hill silence_hill