- How do I create a new account?
Click Signup on the top right of the page to create a new account on funky pool.
funky pool is completely free to register for and play. We do not give out your email address to spam or junk senders, and there are no advertising pop-up windows. As a member you can take advantage of greatly improved game options, as well as having access to a busy forum, a members bar, ranked games and frequent online tournaments.
- What is an appropriate username?
Please choose a username which can not be found offensive. If you're not sure whether a username is offensive or not you should err on the side of safety.
Any username that fall into one of the following categories will be considered inappropriate and banned:
- Names which imply an official position on funky pool
- Names which promote, are recognised as or are symbols of racial, ethnic, national, religious, ideological, homophobic hatred
- Names which refer to violent real world actions
- Names which contain profanity, obscenities, or other potentially offensive language
- Names which indicate political or sexual orientation
- Misspellings, or spellings of the above with "cr34+1v3 sub5717u710nz"
- No harassing or defamatory usernames: Harassment and defamation is in any case inappropriate on funky pool. Further, your username is not a vehicle to attack other members with whom you have a disagreement. Your username should not be used to insult or mock other members, or usernames.
Your usernames may only contain lowercase letters, numbers or underscores.
- Am I allowed multiple accounts?
Each user should have no more than ONE account. Any user that has more than one username, could have their secondary or higher usernames banned without warning. Ordinarily we will not check for multiple accounts but when any funky pool rule is broken, we may take action against all accounts.
Posting under multiple accounts on the forum will lead to any secondary or higher usernames being banned.
- Is funky pool free?
Often we are asked "why is the game free?" or "are we going to charge a user subscription in the future?"
Well, the policy has always been to take a long term view. We have never launched pop-up windows or sold email addresses to junk mail senders to make some fast money. Basically we would prefer 10,000 happy users than 1,000 disgruntled users being assaulted with pop-ups and spam email (even if the 1,000 generated more cash).
We make revenue through the adverts, which are unobtrusive, and we try to ensure they do not adversely affect game play.
The core game will always be free!
If you wish to support the site and efforts of the team further then please consider buying a premium account.
Most of all though, have lots of fun!
- I haven't received my validation email, what shall I do?
You should receive an account validation email detailing your username and password and an activation link. You will usually receive this email in a few minutes, but please allow up to 24 hours due to internet traffic.
Please check spam/bulk/junk folder. Some email providers (including Yahoo and AOL) incorrectly flag certain emails as junk and automatically remove it from your inbox. Please check all your folders if the email is not in your inbox. If you find the email, please click the validation link to complete the signing up process.
If you have waited and checked the relevant folders you should use the validation troubleshooter below:
Validation troubleshooter
Please fill in your username and password to start the validation troubleshooter
- I have received my validation email, but am still having problems?
You should see a link in your email.
Does the link open a new funky pool browser window with further information?
- If Yes. The new window should detail that the account has been validated successfully therefore you are now able to log in. However, you may receive a message detailing "There is no such player called player name, remember you must validate the player within 72 hours" in which case you must repeat the signing up process. If you receive a message detailing "player name is already validated, you are now able to log in." then this means you have successfully validated the account and are able to log in
- If No. Please visit the Manual validation page, where you will need to enter your username and validation code (both detailed in the validation email).
Your Account
- Can I transfer stats from one account to another?
In no cases can we transfer stats from one account to another. Stats are unique to the account that achieved the record. In any case any person should not have multiple accounts.
- How do I modify my details?
How do I change my username?
You cannot change your username on funky pool. Your account details including your stats and profile are unique to that username.
In compliance with our Multiple account rules, you should have no more than one funky pool account per person.
To sign up for a new username with your current email address you must first deactivate your present account. To deactivate your account, make sure you are logged in and click on the "Edit Profile" link at the top of the page. There is a link saying "Deactivate" at the bottom of the page. You will then need to input your password and press the "Deactivate" button. Please note that you will lose access to your account and this process becomes irreversible after 7 days (you may reactivate within this period). This will leave your email address free to sign up with a new username.
How do I change my password?
To change your password, make sure you are logged in and access your profile page. Simply click the Change Password link, confirm your identity by entering your current password, and then enter your new password.
How do I change my registered email address?
To change your email address, first make sure you are logged in. Then access your profile page, and click the Change email address link. Then you must confirm your identity by entering your current password, before choosing a new email address.
This will send out a new validation email to that email address.
Please note that this validation email is the same as the original validation email, you must validate within 15 days or your account will be automatically removed and all your stats will be lost, this is irreversible.
- Can I delete my account?
You cannot delete your account, only deactivate it. To do this you must log in and click on the "Edit Profile" link at the top of the page. There is a "Deactivate" link located at the bottom of this page. You will then need to enter your password and press the "Deactivate" button. This process removes your email address from our system.
Please note that you will permanently lose access to this account and this process is irreversible after 7 days (you may reactivate within this period).
- Can I reactivate my account?
You can reactivate accounts within a maximum of 7 days from deactivation. Follow the instructions here.
- Can I post on the forum?
When you have played 100 games on any funky pool game, you can start posting on the forum. You have to accept our Forum posting rules, and then you are welcome to start posting in all our game related and general chat forums.
- I have forgotten my username or password, can you send them to me?
Simply click Forgot Password located on the top right and enter your registered email address. Your username and password will be emailed to you.
- What steps can I take to protect my account?
Ensure your password is safe by following these guidelines:
- Make sure you have no copy of your password around.
- Do not disclose your password to anyone else. Don't tell any friend, and don't even tell moderators / admins if they ask you. Your password is your own secret.
- If you signup for any forum or site run by another member ensure you use a different password to your funky pool password. Otherwise the web site admin on that site will know your password!
- Ensure your password is not easily guessable. A good password contains a mixture of letters and numbers eg gard3n2412 (24/12 could be your birthday)
In addition you should ensure your email address is safe:
- If you use free email, eg Hotmail, MSN, Yahoo etc you should ensure you also use a good password for this account.
- Also for Hotmail, MSN and Yahoo users please ensure you have a difficult to answer secret question. Beware of people asking you online for the answer, eg if people ask you the name of your first pet you should be wary!
- How do I take a shot?
If you need to place the white then choose where to place and click the left mouse button. Note for breaking you can only place the white behind the baulk line. To take a shot point the mouse where you wish to aim, press and hold the left mouse button. Regardless of the direction of the shot pulling your mouse down (while still holding the button) to move the cue away from the ball. Pushing the mouse up moves the cue towards the white ball. The faster you push the cue upwards the harder the shot is (this simulates the taking of a shot in real life). You should not release the button until after the whole shot action is performed. - How are rankings calculated?
Here, at funky pool we use an innovative custom rankings system. We implement 5 points in the rankings system to ensure that players are ranked accurately and fairly.
1) The comparative rule: your score increases for winning and is decreased when you lose.
If a high ranked player beats a lower ranked player, their score will not change much (as they are expected to win).
However, if a low ranked player beats a high ranked player, their score will change a lot more.
So how do we evaluate the exact value of a points change (warning: lengthy explanation!)?
The comparative rule is that if a person is 100 points higher ranked than their opponent we expect them to win 75% (three quarters) of their games.
During these games, if the higher ranked player wins 75% of the games, and the opponent wins 25% of the games then the ranking of both player will stay the same (note: other rules could effect the scores).
Winner's ranking Loser's ranking Winner expected to win Winner's change in points Loser's change in points 750 650 75% (3/4) +0.5 -0.5 650 750 25% (1/4) +1.5 -1.5 650 650 50% (1/2) +1.0 -1.0 800 600 87.5% (7/8) +0.25 -0.25 600 800 12.5% (1/8) +1.75 -1.75 Here is the formula used to calculate the points (dif = winner's ranking - loser's ranking):
If winner's ranking is the same or better than loser's ranking
1 / 2(dif / 100)
If winner's ranking is less than loser's ranking
2 - 2(dif / 100)
Carrying on from the example above. Player a has 100 points better ranking than b. We expect player a to win 75% of the time.
Let's assume 4 games played. Player a will get:
3 win * 1 / 2(100 / 100) = 1.5 ranking points
Player b will get:
1 win * (2 - 2(-100 / 100)) = 1.5 ranking points
This shows if player's get results expected by their ranking their ranking will remain the same. Results differing to what is expected will obviously alter the ranking. Congratulations for reading all this!
Because this ranking system is used across different games and competitions we scale the ranking points.
Game Ranking Scale Friendly × 0.0 Ranked × 1.0 Tournament × 2.0 8 Ball Arcade × 1.5 9 Ball Arcade × 1.0 8 Ball Billiards × 2.0 9 Ball Billiards × 2.0 8 Ball Pool UK × 1.5 Killer Pool × 3.5 Straight Pool × 3.0 This system means that regardless of the ranking of your opponent you will gain and lose points just as easily. So there is no reason not to play anyone!
2) The newbie modification: if you play a newbie the points that you play for are reduced.
New user's are given a trial period for a certain amount of ranked games (including tournament games). During this period they are called newbies, and these games allow the user to approach their correct ranking. The required ranked games to lose newbie status is shown below.
However as we are unsure of their correct ranking during this period we reduce the opponent's gain or loss in score.
This will prevent you losing a lot of score if the newbie is actually a very adept player, and stop you picking up a lot of points against a very weak player.
This is known as the newbie modification, and you can see this value if you turn on the stats in the options.
The maximum reduction is 90%, reducing exponentially to 0% as the user approaches 50 games.
The calculation to evaluate reduction (as a proportion) is
(0.9 * e(√rankedgames - √newbiegames)) + 0.1
Ironically, newbies own scores are not effected by the newbie modification.
Game Newbie Games (newbiegames) 8 Ball Arcade 50 9 Ball Arcade 50 8 Ball Billiards 50 9 Ball Billiards 50 8 Ball Pool UK 50 Killer Pool 50 Straight Pool 30
3) The edge modification: if you approach a very high ranking or a very low ranking your score is reduced.
Ideally, no players should be able to reach the extreme limits of the rankings system. If they do, the system is flawed as we can not differentiate between 2 players on the maximum.
Therefore it is (roughly) exponentially more difficult for players above 900 points to reach 1000 points.
An amount is reduced from scores, this is known as the edge modification
The actual amount is linear, at 900 points you lose 0%; at 950 points you lose 25%. If you get past 950 points it becomes even more severe, eventually resulting in a 100% loss of points at 1000.
The inverse occurs for users with scores below 600.
4) Winner bonus: winners of tournament games get a small bonus for each win.
Winners of tournament games will receive a small bonus of up to 10%. This small increase means that players who play often will be above players who play infrequently.
The win bonus is 10% for player's on 500 points; 8% for player's on 600 points; 6% for player's on 700 points; 4% for player's on 800 points; 2% for player's on 900 points.
5) Daily reduction: a small amount is reduced from the top player's ranking.
To prevent player's simply retiring when they are top of the rankings half a point is chopped of their ranking daily.
The ranking is reduced to a residual point dependent on the maximum rank you have achieved. For every point you have scored above 750, the residual point increases by a quarter. Examples, someone who reached 950 would reduce until 800, 850 would reduce until 775, and 754 would reduce to 751.
- Why aren't I on the overall tables?
Only players that have played at least 1 game in every available event are eligible for the overall tables.
- How do I play in a tournament?
Regular tournaments take place on funky pool. To enter tournaments you need to be a member (registration is free) and then play a number of games till you become a non-newbie.
The tournament page will display information about upcoming, ongoing and finished tournaments.
A tournament is available to join at the stated tournament start time. When you see a tournament that is available to join you can click the join tournament link in the chat box text. For ordinary tournaments, you have a 10 minute period where you can join.
Please watch in the chat window for the TOURNAMENT instructions. The tournament game room is created automatically, you will be sent a game invite. Please accept the invite within 3 minutes or the invite will expire and you will be disqualified.
You can use the in-game option panel to turn on the tournament invite sound effect. It is located in the "alerts" section.
Please stay logged into the game server throughout the duration of the tournament.
- What are TournaPoints?
TournaPoints are prizes given in tournaments
Each tournament has a prize pot of 20 TournaPoints per entrant, eg a tournament with 10 people will have 200 TournaPoints available. This allows winners of larger tournaments to be rewarded accordingly.
Longer tournaments, eg marathon tournaments, carry additional TouraPoints as shown in the table below. The bonus points are rounded to the nearest 20 points.
Average race to Bonus 1 0% 2 25% 3 50% 4 75% 5 (or more) 100% The winner of a tournament receives 70% of this pot, the runner-up 20%, the semi-finalists 5% each.
Medals are given to top TournaPoint scores
The person with the most points in a given day, week or month will win a bronze, silver or gold medal respectively. These medals will show permanently on your profile page.
- How do I invite a player?
Before inviting a player you must create a game room.
Invite a friend by opening a private chat window with the player you want to invite and selecting invite player.
There is no way to invite all or random players to your game.
- How do I select which sub-game I want to play?
Choose the practice game using the buttons on the top panel.
Next time you log in it will remember your choice and initialize the game with your desired game.
If you wish to play Killer you need to press "game rooms", select "Killer" and choose an available game.
If you wish to play Mini Golf you need to press "game rooms", choose "create" and select "Mini Golf" from the drop down list of games.
- What are the rules for 8 Ball?
US 8 ball is played with a cue ball and a rack of 15 balls. The black 8 ball is located in the centre of the triangle when racked. On every shot a player must hit one of their own balls first, and then either cause a ball to hit a rail after contact, or to sink their own ball. The aim of the game is for one player to pot either all 7 of the solid or striped coloured group of balls, before potting the black.
Break shot
A legal break shot requires the breaker to hit into the rack, ensuring at least 1 ball hits a rail (cushion) or is sunk (pocketed). If the 8 ball is potted from the break, it is known as a golden break, and the breaker will win the game. If the cue ball is potted from the break, then the opponent must shoot from behind the line.
The choice of stripes or solids is not determined on the break even if balls are potted from one or both groups. The table is always open immediately after the break shot. The choice of stripes or solids is then determined when a player legally pockets a stripe or solid after the break shot.
If you break and clear up without the opponent receiving a shot, then you are awarded a run out.
The following are fouls and will lead to the opponent getting a cue ball in hand (This means that the player can place the cue ball anywhere on the table):
- Pocketing the cue ball
- Pocketing an opponents ball
- Hitting the 8 ball or an opponents ball before hitting their own ball
- Not hitting the rail after contact with their own ball (unless they pocket a ball)
The following are fouls and will lead to the opponent winning the game:
- Pocketing the 8 ball before potting all of your numbered balls
- Pocketing the cue ball when pocketing the 8 ball
- Pocketing the 8 ball when pocketing one of your coloured balls
- Leaving the game after the game has started
Winning the game
If a player leaves a game after the game has started, they will lose the game by default.
A player will continue to play until they either foul or do not pocket one of their balls. After a player has legally pocketed all of their balls, they shoot to pocket the 8 ball. The winner is the player to legally pot all his coloured balls and then the 8 ball.
- What are the rules for 9 Ball?
Nine ball is played with nine object balls numbered one to nine. On each shot the cue ball must make contact with the lowest numbered ball on the table. If a player pockets any ball on a legal shot then he will remain on the table for the next shot. Players are not required to call any shot. If a player pots the 9 ball on any legal shot they win the game.
Break shot
The breaker must strike the 1 ball first. If they pocket any ball, then they can continue to play. If they pot the 9 ball, they win the game. If they pot no balls, then the opponent will play.
If you break and clear up without the opponent receiving a shot, then you are awarded a run out.
Ball order
1 Yellow (solid) 2 Blue 3 Red 4 Purple 5 Orange 6 Green 7 Brown 8 Black 9 Yellow (stripe) Push out
The player who plays immediately after a legal break may play a push out. In a push out, the cue ball is not required to make any contact with a ball or rail. The player must announce their intention of playing a push out by pressing the white hand icon underneath the cue ball spin control. Following a legal push out, the incoming player is allowed to play from that position or to pass the shot back to the player that played the push shot. Again they need to choose this by clicking the blue arrow icon underneath the cue ball spin control image. Potting the 9 ball on a push shot will lead to the 9 ball being respotted. Fouls
A foul is committed if:
- The ball that first comes into contact with the cue ball is not the lowest numbered ball on the table
- No ball is hit
- The cue ball is scratched (sunk)
- No ball hits a rail (cushion) after contact
No balls are respotted on a foul shot (with the exception of the 9 ball).
If a player commits 3 fouls in a row, then they lose the game. This is known as the three consecutive fouls rule.
If a player leaves a game after the game has started they will lose the game by default.
Winning the game
A player will continue to play until they either foul or do not pocket a ball. A player can pot the balls in any order, as long as they hit the lowest numbered ball on the table first. A player can win by pocketing the 9 ball, either by using a combination shot by hitting the lowest numbered ball on the table first, or potting all other balls and then potting the 9 ball last.
- What are the rules for 8 Ball Pool UK?
UK 8 ball is played with a cue ball and a rack of 15 balls. The black ball is located in the centre of the triangle when racked. The aim of the game is for one player to pot either all 7 of the red or yellow coloured group of balls, before potting the black.
Break shot
A legal break shot requires the breaker to hit into the rack and make contact with at least 1 ball. If the 8 ball is potted from the break, it is known as a golden break, and the breaker will win the game. If the cue ball is potted from the break, then the opponent has two shots from behind the line.
The choice of reds or yellows is determined the moment a colour is first potted. If a player pots both colours at the same time then the table is still open. The choice of colours is determined the first time colours from 1 group are potted.
If you break and clear up without the opponent receiving a shot, then you are awarded a run out.
On regular shots a player must hit one of their own balls first.
A foul will lead to the opponent getting two shots from behind the line. The ball can be played in any direction, and can hit any ball first. Any ball can be potted (aside from the black ball) on the first shot after an opponents foul (known as a free ball), and the two shots will still carry. Two shots carry even on the black ball.
The following are considered fouls and will result in two shots to the opponent played from behind the line:
- Pocketing the cue ball
- Pocketing an opponents ball (Unless you have a free ball)
- Hitting the black ball or an opponents ball before hitting their own ball (Unless you have a free ball)
The following are fouls and will lead to the opponent winning the game:
- Pocketing the black ball before potting all of your coloured balls
- Pocketing the cue ball when pocketing the black ball
- Pocketing the black ball when pocketing one of your coloured balls
- Leaving the game after the game has started
Winning the game
A player will continue to play until they either foul or do not pocket one of their balls. After a player has legally pocketed all of their balls, they shoot to pocket the black ball. The winner is the player to legally pot all his coloured balls and then the 8 ball.
- What are the rules for Killer Pool?
The aim of the game is simply to take it in turns to pot a ball. If you miss you lose one of your 3 allocated lives. The aim is to be the last player standing. You should try to leave the next player as difficult shot as possible in the hope they miss, hence the game name.
From 3 to 10 players can play killer.
A random player is selected to break. At least 3 different balls must hit the cushion (or potted) after break. If no ball is potted on the break an additional shot is allowed. If the break is illegal in any way the next player will rebreak with the same conditions.
Subsequent players must pot, or they lose a life.
An extra life is awarded after potting the black (which you can do at any time). However it's a maximum of 3 lives.
Scratching (potting the white) or hitting no balls at all loses a life, giving next player ball in hand. Similarly, if you do not pot and do not connect with a rail after connecting with a ball you will lose a life and give ball in hand.
After all balls are potted the game reracks and continues as above.
Rankings, wins and losses
If a ranked game is chosen then ranking points are played for. The same 2-player ranking system used across other games is used. As this game is multiplayer at the game end the winner is regarded to defeat each player in turn, therefore gaining multiple wins and multiple rank gains. If you lose you receive a single loss and a single ranking loss. This means an average player should have equal wins and losses.
Turn success and safeties
Players turn success and safety play are recorded. Turn success is simply the number of turns in play where you potted a ball. A break may consist of 2 shots but counts as a single turn. Safeties are achieved when you pot successfully and the player after you does not pot. If the player after you is breaking this does not count towards safety statistics.
- What are the rules for Straight Pool?
Straight Pool or 14.1 continuous requires you to obtain a certain number of points (35 in this case) to win the game. You get 1 point for each legal pot, and after potting you stay in play.
Break shot
- On a break shot you cannot pot a ball, as straight pool is a call-pocket game
- On consecutive racks the balls are setup when a single ball is left, allowing you to pot the last ball before continuing your break
- A point is scored by successfully potting a single ball
- A run. While you achieve a legal pot you remain in play, continuing until you miss, pocket more than one ball, or foul
- Pocketing the white ball
- Failing to connect with any ball
- Failing to pocket and failing to connect with a cushion after first contact
You lose one point for each foul, three consecutive fouls loses you 15 points.
- What are the rules for Mini Golf?
The object of the game is to pot the cue ball into the pocket in as few shots as possible. Unfortunately there are many obstacles left on the table for you to avoid.
Hint: good knowledge of side spin and cushion angles may help you.
Game Problems
- I'm having Java trouble, can you help?
Here is a small Java applet to tell you if your Java is working (please allow a few seconds to load):
You must enable Javascript to use the Java tester.
If Javascript is enabled possibly a security setting is preventing Java running.
- Click "Tools", "Internet Options"
- Click the "Security" tab.
- Click the "Custom Level..." button.
- Find "Allow ActiveX Filtering" and select disable.
- Click "OK" and accept all changes.
If you see some writing including VERDICT: success
Congratulations, this means the game should run correctly on your computer.
If you see a message "You are not running Java..."
You need to install or enable Java.
To install Java:
Java is free and simple to download from the official Java site at
To enable Java if you think it is already installed (Windows):
To enable Java for the browser
- Click "Start" and then "Control Panel"
- Open "Java". If you cannot locate it this means you do not have a valid Java version installed.
- Click the "Advanced" tab
- Expand the option "Default Java for browsers"
- Tick the box for each browser listed
- Click "OK", then close all browser windows before re-opening
Another possibility is that an Internet Explorer security setting is preventing Java running and you must allow the game to run.
- Click "Tools", "Internet Options"
- Click the "Security" tab.
- Click the "Custom Level..." button.
- Find "Allow ActiveX Filtering" and select disable.
- Click "OK" and accept all changes.
If you see some writing including VERDICT: failure
You must download a later version of Java from
- Why doesn't the game window open?
When you click enter game, a new browser window should open. However, some pop-up blockers will stop this. Please ensure that you allow pop-ups for this site. We will never launch advertising pop-ups from this site.
Hint: With many pop-up blockers, holding the "Ctrl" button when opening the game window will often allow the game window to open.
- How do I enable Javascript?
Javascript is used on this website to open the game window in a particular size and to enable advanced features (eg to open the game window).
In the following box is a small script to try and establish whether Javascript is enabled in your browser:
If you see a message "Javascript is disabled"
You need to enable Javascript.
Instructions to enable Javascript in Internet Explorer
- On the "Tools" menu click "Internet Options"
- Click the "Security" tab
- Click "Custom Level..."
- Scroll the list down to "Scripting". Underneath Active Scripting ensure it is set to Enable
- Click "OK", "Yes", "OK" then close all Internet Explorer windows before re-opening
Instructions to enable Javascript in Firefox
- On the "Tools" menu, click "Options"
- Click "Content"
- Check the box next to Enable JavaScript
- Click the "Advanced" button to open the Advanced JavaScript Options
- Check all the boxes (for best Javascript control)
- Click "OK", "OK"
- What are my browser details?
Here are the properties of your browser retrieved using Javascript.
- My opponents shot timer has run out, but nothing is happening?
The shot timer is independent on each persons computer. It is only a guide on the opponents shot. If the opponent is lagging or disconnected, then it allows the opponent to reconnect and take the shot. An automatic random shot is taken when the time runs out on their machine.
- How do I change the table size?
The game window is resizeable
It is possible to resize the game to suit your needs by resizing the window, drag the bottom right corner as you would resize any other window. The table area uses as large an area as is available. However, on older computers you may notice that the game slows down if you increase the size too much.
Window layout choice
By default we'll try and open a window optimized for your display, however you can override this here. This setting is stored on your computer (in a browser cookie) meaning if you use multiple computers you can choose a different setting for each computer.
You have the option to choose which version to use:
Removing status bars
To maximize the size used for the table area you should ensure that your browser does not add status bars to the window. Please follow the steps below to resolve this problem. Note, address bars are sometimes used to indicate potential security problems with a website. We do not take responsibility for any changes to your system that you make.
Internet Explorer 6 and 7
- Select "Tools" from the menu bar, then "Internet Options"
- On the dialog that opens, click on the tab "Security", click "Internet", click "Custom Level"
- On the second open dialog, scroll down to section "Miscellaneous" then select "Enable" for "Allow script-initiated windows without size or position constraints" and "Allow websites to open windows without address or status bars"
- Click OK to close the dialog, OK to close the next dialog
- Now, you need to close all the browser windows before reopening
Mozilla Firefox 2 and 3
- Select "Tools" from the menu bar, then "Options"
- Select "Content" then click on the "Advanced" button to the right of "Enable Javascript"
- Ensure the checkbox next to "Hide the status bar" is enabled
- Click OK to close the dialog, OK to close the Options dialog
Mozilla Firefox 3
- Type about:config in the address bar and accept the warning if asked
- Navigate to dom.disable_window_open_feature.location
- Double click to change the value to "false"
- Close the page
- Is it safe to use Java on funky pool?
Java is a popular programming language which we have used to build this browser based applet game.
A browser plug-in for Java is required, and you should always ensure you are using the latest Java plug-in. Please check on the official Java site at
For additional safety the game process runs with limited priveledges (known as being sandboxed), similar to typical browser behaviour. Outside of the browser window the game cannot access or interfere with your machine in any way.
Since a Java update in April 2013 (Java 7 update 21) developers have been encouraged to use signed certified code. This guarantees that the code originates from us and has not been tampered by any third parties.
You have the option to choose which version to use:
- Are there any tips to improve gameplay?
Increase game memory
If you increase the game memory you should allow the game to run smoother, including preventing lags.
- Open up your control panel
- Open your Java control (if you don't see a Java control here this means you do not have a late enough Java installed correctly)
- Click the Java tab, click view, click Java Applet Runtime and edit the Java Runtime Parameters
- Enter this string to increase memory: -Xms32m -Xmx128m
- Select OK to confirm the dialogs
(32m represents 32Mb initial memory, 128m represents 128Mb maximum memory)
Increase color quality
You should ensure you're using 32 bit colour to see the graphics properly. Here's how to check:
- Right click your windows background / desktop and select "Properties"
- Click the "Settings" tab
- Under "Color quality" ensure you have selected "Highest (32 bit)"
Prevent shortcuts opening in the game window (Internet Explorer users)
For some users if you click a shortcut it opens in the game window. To prevent this happening please try the following:
- Open up Internet Explorer, select "Tools" from the menu bar, then "Internet Options"
- Select the "Advanced" tab
- Under "Browsing" sub menu, look for "Reuse windows for opening shortcuts" and ensure the checkbox is NOT ticked
- Why am I having connection problems?
If the connection between the game client and the server fails it will attempt to reconnect to the server and re-establish connection for upto 2 minutes.
If you are disconnected then it could be:
- Your internet connection has gone down.
- Other programmes are hogging the bandwidth (eg downloaders, music streaming, a virus). You should throttle the allowed bandwidth for these, and also check your system for a virus.
- Something is temporarily blocking your connection to the game server (the connection is usually a "socket" based connection).
If a group of users (eg 10%) are logged out chances are it's a network related problem unconnected to our server.
If all users are logged out simultaneously, this would constitute a server problem.
Occasionally errors specific to a user's game occur. These are logged and sent to the server under any possible instance (there's no personally identifiable data sent!). If you use the recommended Java setup reported errors occur less than once every 1000 player hours.
Complaints, Moderating and Other Enquiries
- What are the rules for the chat rooms?
The language in the chat room is moderated to allow a friendly environment to relax. This is a guideline of what behaviour is considered offensive or inappropriate.
- You should not try and circumvent the swear filter.
- You should not spam (repeat the same information over and over), and you should not use ALL CAPITALS.
- You are not allowed to use unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable language.
- The site language and chat is English (other languages may be available at a later stage subject to moderating availability).
- Please do not give personal information (email addresses and phone numbers) out in public rooms. This rule is for your own personal safety.
- You must follow moderators instructions regarding chat room behaviour.
- What are the rules for the messaging system?
Each registered member is allowed to send messages to other members. To initiate a message visit the user's profile page, locate and click the Message tag. To check for messages click the Messages link on the left. The number in brackets after the link indicates the number of unread messages you have.
Message limits
You have unlimited message space, however you are limited to sending 20 messages per day. Messages with no updates in the past 6 months are automatically removed from the system.
Prohibited message
The message system is intended primarily as a way to keep in touch with your contacts. Therefore abusive messages through this system will not be tolerated. In particular, sending messages containing the following could lead to actions being taken on your account:
- racist terms,
- serious threatening behaviour,
- continuous unprovoked offensive behaviour,
- obscene language,
- spam (ie unsolicited advertising).
If you believe a message to break these rules you can use the report message feature to allow staff to investigate.
- How do I complain about another user?
To complain about another member's behaviour, please use the in-game send complaint function.
To complain about another member:
- Open the private message window by clicking on the member's name
- Click send complaint
- Select the most valid reason for the complaint
This will send us the chat log and we can take appropriate action on the offensive behaviour.
Other funky pool functions available to you
Firstly there is a swear filter which should censor the most offensive words.
There is an ignore user button, simply click on the member you wish to ignore and bring up the private message window, then press the ignore user button. You will no longer be able to see what they type in the game window or by private messaging.
If the offending user is a guest, then there is a ignore all guests function. To activate this, go to the 'Options' window, then go to 'messages' tab, and tick the box to ignore all guests' messages.
If the offence is taking place within a tournament, there is a ignore PM's while competing option as well. It is located in exactly the same place as the 'ignore all guests' function; again you will have to tick the box to activate.
If you feel the offensives need to be acted on immediately, please press the find online mod button, and then report the offence directly to them and they may be able to come and moderate that particular room. However, you should use the send complaint function regardless.
We cannot take one member's word over another and hence cannot take action when we get a complaint through contact us.
- Why have I been booted?
If you have been booted it will be because you have used swear words, spamming, cheating, or not following instructions of a moderator. Simply wait the allotted time and login.
If you believed you were booted incorrectly please use the contact us page. Please DO NOT use the forum as any messages in the forum about this will be removed, and DO NOT log in the game after your boot period expired to complain (either through chat or private messaging). If you use an additional account to try to evade the boot period this will lead to the additional account being banned!
Please note if you're booted many times you could face being banned.
- Why have I been banned?
Likely reasons for being banned include:
- Racist terms - we have zero tolerance for racial slurs, even those said in jest. Such language results in an immediate ban.
- Cheating - please see How do we deal with cheaters?
- Having an offensive username - please see What is an appropriate username?
- Breaking chat room rules or messaging system rules.
- Being booted a number of times.
If you have multiple accounts, please note that you will be permanently banned across all of your accounts because we do not allow multiple accounts.
Please note if you re-register a new account it will be banned immediately and you could also find your whole network is blocked.
If you feel you were incorrectly banned, then you must check with the Terms of Service Page. If you still believe you didn't break any rules then you may appeal through Contact us, detailing your username and why you feel you were banned incorrectly.
Please note all correct bannings are permanent. Sending a message through contact us is the only way of asking the staff to review a banning.
- How do we deal with cheaters?
This page describes our fair play guidelines.
Any user that uses multiple accounts to play themselves, deliberately loses or lets their friends win, will be banned.
If your opponent is deliberately losing against you, you must leave. If you do not leave you may have your scores reset. Gaining rank in this manner is not fair on members who are competitively winning their rank.
Please be extra careful if you are playing someone else on your network. Any user believed to be multi-using to increase their rank will be banned.
Bad sportsmanship
Players that repeatedly commit offences that are not necessarily against funky pool rules can be punished as deemed appropriate. This includes private messaging your opponent to put them off.
Repeatedly doing these offences could lead to action being taken against your account.
- Can I join the moderating team?
funky pool require people to moderate the chat rooms, help new members, and assist with the running of the site.
Who is welcome to apply?
- You must be over 16 years of age.
- You must have been a member on funky pool for at least 3 months using your current username.
- You must have no record of severe rule breaking.
- You must have strong English communication skills.
- You must be a non newbie in at least 1 discipline.
- You must not use Hotmail as your application email address.
If you believe you would be able to help moderate funky pool then please contact us using this link: Apply. Please include the following information:
- Name
- Age
- How long you have been member for (on current and any previous names)
- Location (for time zone reasons)
- Why you believe you would make a good moderator
- Personal email address (if different to registered address)
The recruitment process will take place on a monthly basis. Any applications received in a particular calendar month will be reviewed over the first fortnight of the subsequent calendar month. Therefore you may have to wait upto 6 weeks to receive a reply.
Please do not private message funky pool moderators to ask to become a moderator as this could adversely effect your chances.
Should you not be accepted for a moderating trial you may apply again. However we can't consider a new applications until a minimum period of 3 months has elapsed since your last application.
- Who are the moderators?
Listed below are the funky pool moderating team. All of them give up some of their time to help run and moderate this website. Please remember they are there for your benefit, and help the site run smoothly and remain family friendly.
- How many members are there on funky pool?
Currently we have 5,165 active members.
Breakdown by Member's Selected Country
Country Users unspecified 4,102 United Kingdom 447 England 132 United States 108 Scotland 46 Ireland 38 Germany 23 Canada 22 Australia 22 Wales 21 South Africa 16 Netherlands 13 India 11 Belgium 10 New Zealand 8 Italy 8 Pakistan 6 France 5 Russia 5 Serbia 5 Thailand 5 Croatia (Hrvatska) 5 Norway 4 Estonia 4 Romania 4 Poland 4 Peru 4 Philippines 4 Spain 3 Malaysia 3 Switzerland 3 Northern Ireland 3 Nigeria 2 Mozambique 2 China 2 Virgin Islands (British) 2 Afghanistan 2 United Arab Emirates 2 Sweden 2 Taiwan 2 Portugal 2 Syria 2 Albania 2 Finland 2 Kiribati 2 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 Latvia 2 Cyprus 2 Hong Kong SAR 2 Vanuatu 1 Breakdown of Games Played by Event
Game Accumulated Games 8 Ball Arcade 1,236,697 9 Ball Arcade 2,172,600 8 Ball Billiards 7,713,479 9 Ball Billiards 8,717,393 8 Ball Pool UK 15,691,446 Killer Pool 500,832 Straight Pool 760,064 Mini Golf 588,040 Overall 37,380,551 - Can I link to/promote funky pool?
Yes, please do.
You can use the following HTML for funky pool:
<a href="" title="online pool games (billiards games)">funky pool</a>
<a href="" title="online pool games (billiards games)"><img src="" alt="funky pool - online pool games (billiards games)" style="border: 0px;"/></a>
- Other enquiries.
Our help section attempts to answer the most common queries our users encounter. In addition other queries are discussed and answered in the forums.
However, if you can not find the answer to your question please Contact us.