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Thread: All new clan challenge

Posts: 10,109
18:03 Tue 07/07/20 (BST)  
The clan challenge is happening. At the moment it is Uprising v Craig's yet to be named team. If anyone else can scrape a team together, you will be welcome to join.

We will run a concurring FCL and FBL format. In the unlikelihood we have any players unaware of these formats....


8 fixtures
15 frames in all. 5 frames of 8us, 5 of 9ball and 5 of 8uk.


8 fixtures comprised of...
2 8US (8 frames each)
2 9US (8 frames each)
2 8UK (8 frames each)
1 straight (4 frames each)
1 killer (minimum 3 players per team)

No bonuses for now.

All fixtures will be scheduled to be played 8pm on Sunday 19th but you can play anytime before then. If you turn up on Sunday at 8pm to play and your opponent doesn't, you win the match. If the fixture hasn't been played and neither player turns up at the deadline time - the match will be drawn unless both captains can supply an eligible player. All players are eligible if they haven't yet played in another fixture.

Completing fixtures is the main priority, so the contest will be as flexible as possible. Players can join a team at any point during the fixture, other than on deadline day.

Thread: TEAM D - you____lost - dark knight - sunflower bud - beetlejuice

Posts: 117
15:56 Thu 01/06/17 (BST)  
played fastboysam

i won 9-6 he played well

i have messaged veyron and whocares and epicshot only epicshot got back with me and then he missed a scheduled time we have rescheduled

Thread: Team D - Band is back!

Posts: 38,097
18:54 Tue 28/02/17 (GMT)  
No scheduled opponents atm so going on xbox for a bit but will be back tonight to play Pinky and look for other opponents, After playing 3 games b2b, feel burned out and no pms (Stella did ask earlier but was was pre arranged with Etarvt and Slime).

Will be back tonight

Thread: Scrap Ratts- Undefeated FCL friendlies champions 2017 GO PLEY LOCKY RATTS"

Posts: 1,357
23:01 Tue 21/02/17 (GMT)  
Side games from people calling us out!

_gerardddd_ vs 1st_response
beetlejuice vs jacko

Good luck you two! Let me know when they are scheduled i want to follow results!!!

Scrap Ratts making money and hustlin

Any word from these guys????

Thread: Scrap Ratts- Undefeated FCL friendlies champions 2017 GO PLEY LOCKY RATTS"

Posts: 1,357
18:33 Sun 19/02/17 (GMT)  
Side games

_gerardddd_ vs 1st_badresult
beetlejuice vs jacko

Good luck you two! Let me know when they are scheduled i want to follow results!!!

Scrap Ratts making money and hustlin


Thread: Scrap Ratts- Undefeated FCL friendlies champions 2017 GO PLEY LOCKY RATTS"

Posts: 1,357
04:02 Sun 19/02/17 (GMT)  
Side games

_gerardddd_ vs 1st_badresult
beetlejuice vs jacko

Good luck you two! Let me know when they are scheduled i want to follow results!!!

Scrap Ratts making money and hustlin

Thread: Scrap Ratts- Undefeated FCL friendlies champions 2017 GO PLEY LOCKY RATTS"

Posts: 1,357
03:31 Sun 19/02/17 (GMT)  
Side games

_gerardddd_ vs 1st_badresult
beetlejuice vs jacko

Good luck you two! Let me know when they are scheduled i want to follow results!!!

Scrap Ratts making money and hustlin

Thread: The Evil Ones (We Live To Sin)

Posts: 131
02:24 Fri 27/01/17 (GMT)  
We are a new clan and we are here to have a little fun!

The Evil Ones

9ballsniper_ (Captain)
viki_b (Vice Captain)

If you want to join the evil ones let me or viki_b know...NOW back to your regularly scheduled program!

Edited at 01:10 Fri 27/01/17 (GMT)

Thread: Uprising XVI - FCL, FBL, Killer, SL & SL Shield Champions - but no need to brag about it!

Posts: 120
17:24 Sat 19/11/16 (GMT)  
Was scheduled to play ritcho at 3pm. No sign of him yet, can anyone find out if he's coming on? cheers

Thread: DFE V - World GSC (plate) Champions of the WORLD!

Posts: 2,327
19:01 Thu 20/10/16 (BST)  
Omg seriously, still?

I logged in yesterday and asked when killer was rescheduled for and was told "tonight" so I came on just before 8 and there were 5 other DFE players on awaiting the killer game too.

We, including myself had as much notice to play the game as uprising did. It's like you're ignoring the facts just because you feel aggrieved that you spent the day trying to get players on. As it's been pointed out repeatedly, if your team were interested and took the initiative to read threads and bother to come on themselves, you wouldn't have to waste a day "trying to get them on".

We would have only had 2/3 players if it was tonight, and the same again for the weekend. Why would I agree to lose players when the effort was made 2 nights in a row, just cos uprising can't be arsed? Perspective.

Thread: DFE V - World GSC (plate) Champions of the WORLD!

Posts: 19,967
03:34 Thu 20/10/16 (BST)  
No my point is that we didn't have to spend effort all day to "wrangle players" online, they showed up themselves because they still have an interest in the team and playing the games that remain.

And I wasn't on all day. I logged in to check when the game was re-scheduled for and it was tonight.

I logged back in before 8 to play the game. Our players had as much short notice as uprising did, and again our players took the initiative to be here, and uprising didn't. So there's no way I'm going to say yet again "another night guys" and risk losing players.

You should be grateful it was played and won and quit while you're ahead.

Exactly my point. Your team showed up when it wasn't arranged, taking the initiative. I took the initiative into trying to arrange it and I did. Then you went back on it when I left. I would've been grateful if you didn't completely disregard the effort I made in arranging.

Thread: DFE V - World GSC (plate) Champions of the WORLD!

Posts: 2,327
03:25 Thu 20/10/16 (BST)  
No my point is that we didn't have to spend effort all day to "wrangle players" online, they showed up themselves because they still have an interest in the team and playing the games that remain.

And I wasn't on all day. I logged in to check when the game was re-scheduled for and it was tonight.

I logged back in before 8 to play the game. Our players had as much short notice as uprising did, and again our players took the initiative to be here, and uprising didn't. So there's no way I'm going to say yet again "another night guys" and risk losing players.

You should be grateful it was played and won and quit while you're ahead.

Thread: DFE V - World GSC (plate) Champions of the WORLD!

Posts: 1,357
21:24 Sun 16/10/16 (BST)  
Ash- Look just because someone is available during those times does not mean he has to be on here every time those times come up .. Those are the times he can meet someone.. scheduled..

Mich- I know you put in effort and try to get them done.. but you were subbed in mate so the way things are set up you have to meet his times. Not your fault or trats .. just the way it is .. GL both and hope it gets played!~

Thread: Phoenix Reapers: "Masters of our own Destiny!" (Defending: GSC Champions)

Posts: 14,736
22:32 Sat 13/08/16 (BST)  
SL Fix Set 1: 17/07/2016 >>> 14/08/2016 (Deadline)
Subs Permitted: 07/08/2016 >>> 14/08/2016

Phoenix Reapers B

Phoenix Reapers B (16) vs (8) Black Scorpions B - Complete
dead_silence (3) vs (3) don_mega
andyw1 (4) vs (2) tonyc455
kirk (5) vs (1) drewdt3
friendyboy (4) vs (2) black_shadow

Phoenix Reapers B (9) vs (17) DFE B - Complete
(swp) (s) dead_silence (1) vs (6) matttt
andyw1 (4) vs (3) asdfghjk (s)
mr_tumble (1) vs (5) silent_phil
(swp) friendyboy (3) vs (3) vixen_xox

Phoenix Reapers B (13) vs (5) FPD's B
friendyboy (4) vs (2) ric_flair
* (s) dead_silence vs hustler_1987 (Asap)
mr_tumble (5) vs (1) justadream
the_king84 (4) vs (2) naaaaaaaaath

* andyw1 has permission to sub back in

* Format: 2 x 8us, 9us & 8uk ONLY - (Bonus points awarded for Golden Breaks & Runouts)

* Just this one fixture which is scheduled to be played this evening. Good Luck Curtis mate.

Thread: DFE - World GSC (plate) Champions of the WORLD!

Posts: 38,097
00:28 Mon 04/07/16 (BST)  
* Please ensure you message all your opponents immediately upon fixture release. Keep copies of all interactions and should your match remain unscheduled then please keep myself, vixen_xox, i_am_noob, re_rack_jack or w_hoolahan as updated as possible.

Thank Guys.

(Hopefully no fixtures will go down the default route but we will not be making subs just for the sake of them). All our players efforts will be appreciated and taken into consideration before even contemplating making subs this season.

^ Make sure you message guys, If you don't it counts as inactivity at defaults (or Laziness) so message frequently so if opponents are inactive then we're in control.

Thanks Guys

Edited at 21:37 Sun 03/07/16 (BST)

Thread: Phoenix Reapers: "Masters of our own Destiny!" (Defending: GSC Champions)

Posts: 14,736
00:23 Mon 04/07/16 (BST)  
Fair enough - seems self explanatory

* Please ensure you message all your opponents immediately upon fixture release. Keep copies of all interactions and should your match remain unscheduled then please keep myself, legend_pot, _fresh_ & friendyboy as updated as possible.

Thank Guys.

(Hopefully no fixtures will go down the default route but we will not be making subs just for the sake of them). All our players efforts will be appreciated and taken into consideration before even contemplating making subs this season.

Last thing to say is I'm delighted with the team I have assembled here, let's have some fun and try to keep things organised, good communication and win as much as we possibly can to.....that's enjoyment to me.

Thread: Uprising XV - Running Scared

Posts: 14,736
19:52 Tue 03/05/16 (BST)  
2pac786 says he'll play at 9pm as already scheduled.

Thread: Dragon Flame Eminence II - Stop! Drop! and Roll!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:34 Wed 20/04/16 (BST)  
In all fairness guys since me and him starting messaging.. 3 dates have been arranged.. 9pm onwards on sat and Sunday (his choice) and tonight 9pm (his choice) of which all 3 I've been available to play, and for the record I turned up on Saturday and Sunday too. And will be free all night today as well including the scheduled 9pm date which was set. When we messaged on Wednesday or Thursday, I practically said I'm free more or less everyday during evenings, and allowed him to pick a time which suited him.. Which he has now done 3 times and not turned up.. And now when I'm saying in advance I can't make it for the next few days, I don't see how it's fair me being subbed out? I mean if I set the previous 3 date and times, then obv he can say he didn't choose and was forced. And as much as I understand about personal problems, that doesn't make this whole issue my fault in any way does it?

When did we arrange? you never replied to my mail for two days lol i had to message Ash to sort it on monday and we arranged for tonight so i have no idea how i managed to miss 2 times that were never set , something had popped up for me tonight which is out of my control if i could be here at 9 i would be , i told Ash that i will try for 11

best i can do

Thread: Dragon Flame Eminence II - Stop! Drop! and Roll!

Posts: 120
22:28 Wed 20/04/16 (BST)  
In all fairness guys since me and him starting messaging.. 3 dates have been arranged.. 9pm onwards on sat and Sunday (his choice) and tonight 9pm (his choice) of which all 3 I've been available to play, and for the record I turned up on Saturday and Sunday too. And will be free all night today as well including the scheduled 9pm date which was set. When we messaged on Wednesday or Thursday, I practically said I'm free more or less everyday during evenings, and allowed him to pick a time which suited him.. Which he has now done 3 times and not turned up.. And now when I'm saying in advance I can't make it for the next few days, I don't see how it's fair me being subbed out? I mean if I set the previous 3 date and times, then obv he can say he didn't choose and was forced. And as much as I understand about personal problems, that doesn't make this whole issue my fault in any way does it?

Thread: Phoenix Revenge: GSC Champions - "A great achievement by ALL, Past, Present & New".

Posts: 14,736
17:16 Tue 05/04/16 (BST)  
Good Afternoooooooon Team:

Update on the last SL Playoff: joeyy vs callaway40 scheduled to be played this evening after 9pm.

Good Luck joeyy mate.

* Last night was a great time for this clan, being able to keep _fresh_ & legend_pot was a godsend. Thanks to both players for their continued commitment and loyalty as my Co Captain Alex rightfully stated.

We have peace_maker (formerly shadows) staying with us too after an account name change and let's not forget the acquisition of mich too.

This team will keep progressing and going from strength to strength. I will admit a few times in the past I have also considered leaving (due to constant abuse) but the team resilience, commitment, fantastic group of player, loyalty it's impossible for me to rescind my responsibility so I'm delighted to still be here.

Let's keep supporting one another and our GSC (Grand Slam Cup) plus Killer Cup will be starting very soon. The 1st Round has been taken to a Playoff between FPD's and Black Scorpions hence the delay for 1 more week.

C'mon Phoenix

Just a little insight:

*** The Phoenix Team name was chosen from the beginning due to its resolute & never say die attitude, willing to fight till the Bitter End and never knowing or accepting when it's beaten. (I think that sums up this team, perfectly!) ***