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Thread: Pocket Dynamos Chapter 11

Posts: 19,819
13:54 Sun 31/01/16 (GMT)  
Just so you know, fastboysam did not show today. May need a sub for him in the next few days.

He doesnt do weekends generally.
And okay trats will message.

Nor do I zac, but we said we would meet today for our game.

Just had a message from Sam his phone and internet connections are down...
Will play you in the fcl game tonight pal.

Ok no worries assumed a good reason. Not had a message from trats yet though?

Cool mate, will catch you tonight once lil one is settled haha

With trats, killer is offline 4 days, and i cant contact him off game, will give him a couple days to come online.

Thread: Pocket Dynamos Chapter 11

Posts: 1,029
13:01 Sun 31/01/16 (GMT)  
Just so you know, fastboysam did not show today. May need a sub for him in the next few days.

He doesnt do weekends generally.
And okay trats will message.

Nor do I zac, but we said we would meet today for our game.

Just had a message from Sam his phone and internet connections are down...
Will play you in the fcl game tonight pal.

Ok no worries assumed a good reason. Not had a message from trats yet though?

Cool mate, will catch you tonight once lil one is settled haha

Thread: Pocket Dynamos Chapter 11

Posts: 19,819
11:28 Sun 31/01/16 (GMT)  
Just so you know, fastboysam did not show today. May need a sub for him in the next few days.

He doesnt do weekends generally.
And okay trats will message.

Nor do I zac, but we said we would meet today for our game.

Just had a message from Sam his phone and internet connections are down...
Will play you in the fcl game tonight pal.

Thread: Dragon Flame Eminence

Posts: 136
13:27 Mon 11/01/16 (GMT)  
Any more posts from you silent_hill , i will get Admin to deal with you . Both clans do not want to see threads full up with childish posts. We all want the same thiing on here and thats fun and playing good matches . All you seem to do is try and cause trouble .

So no trouble would have been caused if i'd just decided to leave Dragon Flame and join Black Scorpions? You poaching players that are happy at their current clans, is causing trouble. Lol!

And only 4-5 days ago, you wanted me to sign for your team! You will get admin to deal with me? Okay by all means please do.. What will admin do? I'm not swearing, not being offensive, I said last night there would be no more posts from me. But you and pike decided to carry on posting. Which just instigates the argument. I'd laugh if admin muted or banned me, just for giving an opinion. My opinion simply is that you and Pike don't know how to run a clan. Putting players into teamsheets that can't get onto the server. Instead of the continued bickering. Prove me wrong. Message kingdadcool an tell him to come onto the server, even if its just for a minute. That way i can be reassured that he does have an internet connection. Even more so, i'll apologise directly to you and Pike. But i'm not going to apologise right now because I know i'm right.

I couldn't have put things better than noob did above.. Well done to nuts an pike, the deluded pair on funkypool! Its like your a married couple

Thread: Dragon Flame Eminence

Posts: 136
01:35 Mon 11/01/16 (GMT)  
Great start guys! Put someone into the sheet, that doesn't even have a laptop to access funkypool.
Posted on our thread by crybaby Phil,and games just came out yesterday.

unless people tell us then what you expect us to do? we aren't mind readers so maybe be more polite yes?

If Phil can't play then you will get a sub in week three, simple

Its them who will need a sub James, i'm online very regularly as you already know! I simply stated why they added someone into the teamsheet, that clearly has no internet connection or any real access to funkypool apart from on their phone. I've messaged kingdadcool, thats all im doing! 1 message...

Who knows i may get a reply next year. I'm not chasing down opponents anymore, especially when their captains stupidly put them in their teamsheets, so i'm only sending 1 message.. Keep the fixture the same till deadline day, don't request a sub.. I'm online regularly! My opponent isn't.. Its probably been about 6 months since he came into server if not longer. Let the default come in our favour

Thread: The Revolution....we keep marching on

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:18 Fri 14/08/15 (BST)  
Won 8-5 vs _fresh_

Not the greatest match ever both made some basic mistakes and my internet connection not helping in one frame. I got a bit luckier at 9 ball and that clinched it in the end.

Good games mate.

Good result against a very good player, well done!

Thread: The Revolution....we keep marching on

Posts: 247
02:03 Fri 14/08/15 (BST)  
Won 8-5 vs _fresh_

Not the greatest match ever both made some basic mistakes and my internet connection not helping in one frame. I got a bit luckier at 9 ball and that clinched it in the end.

Good games mate.

Thread: The Revolution Rocks on . . .

Posts: 4,231
19:12 Sat 13/06/15 (BST)  
My only chance of playing thegreatone7 is Sunday night 10:30pm
All assuming my internet connection working, which it wasn't last couple of days......
Can see I'm going to struggle more than ever to get online in next couple of weeks, but from July 4th onwards I should be much more able as moving house then!

thanks for the info, Paul!

buckjam thats where we stand currently. any idea will thegreatone7 be able to come on at that time?

Thread: The Revolution Rocks on . . .

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:24 Sat 13/06/15 (BST)  
My only chance of playing thegreatone7 is Sunday night 10:30pm
All assuming my internet connection working, which it wasn't last couple of days......
Can see I'm going to struggle more than ever to get online in next couple of weeks, but from July 4th onwards I should be much more able as moving house then!

Thread: ~The Almighty Legend Killers- We will give you something to T.A.L.K. about!~

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:06 Wed 29/04/15 (BST)  

2andygorams (5) v (0) toon_lad TBC

A glorious comeback to clan pool was disappointingly cut short when kue logged out. Hopefully it's just connection issues and he'll be back on soon......

lost internet connection last night, just got it back, sorry about that

Glad your back mate!

ty jack bud

Thread: ~The Almighty Legend Killers- We will give you something to T.A.L.K. about!~

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:04 Wed 29/04/15 (BST)  

2andygorams (5) v (0) toon_lad TBC

A glorious comeback to clan pool was disappointingly cut short when kue logged out. Hopefully it's just connection issues and he'll be back on soon......

lost internet connection last night, just got it back, sorry about that

Glad your back mate!

Thread: Uprising XII - Boring and Soulless 'No success for substitutions!'

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:02 Wed 29/04/15 (BST)  
2andygorams (5) v (0) toon_lad TBC

A glorious comeback to clan pool was disappointingly cut short when kue logged out. Hopefully it's just connection issues and he'll be back on soon......

lost internet connection last night, just got it back, sorry about that

Thread: ~The Almighty Legend Killers- We will give you something to T.A.L.K. about!~

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:14 Wed 29/04/15 (BST)  

2andygorams (5) v (0) toon_lad TBC

A glorious comeback to clan pool was disappointingly cut short when kue logged out. Hopefully it's just connection issues and he'll be back on soon......

lost internet connection last night, just got it back, sorry about that

Thread: ~The Almighty Legend Killers- We will give you something to T.A.L.K. about!~

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:53 Wed 08/04/15 (BST)  
What's happened to bob then?

Mentioned creating somebody a clan pic and accusing him of using it as a Trojan horse for something else. Anyone know who that person was?

Also I have players from other clans that have played their games then message me to play because my opponent has been off for a few days, mentioning they might be having issues.

Might be having issues

I said as soon as I get a message from the person I will play them. If my scheduled opponent can tell another member in their clan they can't play then surely they can find an internet connection to simply message me and say the same. Am I to start playing others just because I get an in game pm, I don't think so. There is no other mention of said players being ill etc or having family issues on their respective threads.

Seriously - One player was desperate and didn't want to accept my refusal.

Feels a bit like others are trying to poach games because they have either played and lost their own or can't sit on their next fixture.

Edited at 13:57 Wed 08/04/15 (BST)

Thread: The Revolution - Let The Revolution Begin

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:59 Wed 19/11/14 (GMT)  
Yea hes my bro comm. we've had no internet connection for a while we only just got it up and running today so

Do i have any matches to play?

If so i can resume them tomorow

Thread: Pocket Dynamos - Chapter 7

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:09 Sun 12/10/14 (BST)  
sl result

jasonb 3 - 9 tratters

you may have to sub me out of my remaining games. Internet kept messing up ever since from being 3 - 1 down in 8 us. After that continuous lag, alot of jasonb has stopped responding and even this lol

You have been logged out, either your internet connection was down for too long or the server has been restarted. Please log in again.

Before being rudely logged out, I was convinced I was going to clear up that particular frame, and to finalize the match a big pause and by the time my message of " This is silly, guessing you have either snookered me or won it already lmao" he had won it and left lol.... was a very silly move and i apologise so unless anyone can help me sort my problem...... I'm out lol

As I mentioned during the match

jasonb: a shame, interesting what the score would have be if my internet wasnt being such a bellend.
tratters: This is no way to be... I'm a much better player and ure tactics havnt worked.
jasonb: This is essentially a boxing match where I have no legs and 1 arm bud lmao.

sorry guys

gg well played... result is fair with how we both play

Edited at 13:13 Sun 12/10/14 (BST)

Thread: Pocket Dynamos - Chapter 7

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:55 Sun 12/10/14 (BST)  
sl result

jasonb 3 - 9 tratters

you may have to sub me out of my remaining games. Internet kept messing up ever since from being 3 - 1 down in 8 us. After that continuous lag, alot of jasonb has stopped responding and even this lol

You have been logged out, either your internet connection was down for too long or the server has been restarted. Please log in again.

Before being rudely logged out, I was convinced I was going to clear up that particular frame, and to finalize the match a big pause and by the time my message of " This is silly, guessing you have either snookered me or won it already lmao" he had won it and left lol.... was a very silly move and i apologise so unless anyone can help me sort my problem...... I'm out lol

As I mentioned during the match

jasonb: a shame, interesting what the score would have be if my internet wasnt being such a bellend.
tratters: This is no way to be... I'm a much better player and ure tactics havnt worked.
jasonb: This is essentially a boxing match where I have no legs and 1 arm bud lmao.

sorry guys

Thread: Uprising X - Back to the Drawing Board!

Posts: 6,417
01:59 Tue 26/08/14 (BST)  
erigert (2) - (1) deano1888 TBC

he left due to internet connection problems

Thread: Phoenix Renaissance - "Ignite The Spark and Feel The Heat!"

Posts: 1,111
19:10 Thu 31/07/14 (BST)  
so ive just been in the straight tournament final, got past the required 35 points, then my internet connection goes down for literally a second, now usually it gives you 90 seconds to connect back to the server, this time it just told me i was offline, logged straight back in and i lost the tournament, i dont understand this rubbish lol

Thread: Pool Sharks are back

Posts: 6
00:56 Fri 25/07/14 (BST)  
I'm not going to have a steady internet connection for the forseeable future so am going to have to leave the pool sharks. Sorry and thank you.