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Thread: ~The Almighty Legend Killers- We will give you something to T.A.L.K. about!~

Deleted User
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23:56 Tue 07/04/15 (BST)  
All good things take time to get warmed up! You wait until we find our pace!!

I got a reply from one of my opponents today and will be playing that fixture Saturday morning/evening. Other opponent hasn't been on for 3 days, so not a worry yet.

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.
the words in bold...well said

Thread: ~The Almighty Legend Killers- We will give you something to T.A.L.K. about!~

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:14 Tue 07/04/15 (BST)  
All good things take time to get warmed up! You wait until we find our pace!!

I got a reply from one of my opponents today and will be playing that fixture Saturday morning/evening. Other opponent hasn't been on for 3 days, so not a worry yet.

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.

Well said !! GL Saturday!!!

Thread: ~The Almighty Legend Killers- We will give you something to T.A.L.K. about!~

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:49 Tue 07/04/15 (BST)  
All good things take time to get warmed up! You wait until we find our pace!!

I got a reply from one of my opponents today and will be playing that fixture Saturday morning/evening. Other opponent hasn't been on for 3 days, so not a worry yet.

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.

Thread: XVth Man : T'is the Season to be Jolly & Share...Just NOT OUR thread! :)

Deleted User
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05:47 Sat 17/01/15 (GMT)  
In relation to the post posted about the 'silly proposal', here's one of mine:

What a ridiculous idea 2 out of 14 days can only sub - well done, that will just increase possible risk for defaults. Also how can a team even think about refusing a sub just because they feel they've been messed about. I'll tell you what would happen - all the bullying tactics would be doubled in their intensity forcing the other teams to render their positions and make the 'oh so high and mighty teams' think they've won.

Genius I think NOT!

All that needs to be implemented are both or either 1 of 2 things:

(i) Abolish the unlimited amount subs allowed in any fixture set - will eliminate the totally freedom we ALL have but some don't use and others excercise it to it's full potential.

(ii) Ensure ALL subs/swaps are authorised by a panel (1 Representative from Each Side, maybe a MOD too (not involved in a clan) - if insufficient grounds then they be refused. At least then no one can feel exploited, intimidated, pressured in to making a sub.

HOWEVER - IF a majority decision be deemed to be non genuine and just a cheap shot at 'saying no' for the sake of it then the League runner (chris) have Overall Rule.

Just an idea.

Thread: Vipers (our time to shine) Take 2

Posts: 19,967
23:33 Fri 19/04/13 (BST)  
zante vs shadwell17

Both miss our chances at various times, he was the unluckier of us but we both didn't get up to full potential here. I'm happy to get that result on the balance of things. Good games man, pleasure to play.

Thread: Uprising the Fourth

Deleted User
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01:52 Thu 21/03/13 (GMT)  
Cheers zante, very fair summary, I look forward to us playing again when we are both at full potential.

All the best matey.

Thread: Elite Force - Formidable clan !

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:48 Thu 21/03/13 (GMT)  
FCL - Elite Force vs Uprising

krazyash_07 vs zante

8US - 2-3 - We were both playing tactical and due to the lateness of the match we both made so many errors don't have enough fingers to count them all. Was nip and tuck all the way.

9US - 2-3 - These were of better standard we still made unusual errors, especially me missing the 9ball which would have won the frame, unlike me. Good games though may I add.

8UK - 1-4 - I could tell this were his stronger game type, some of the shots he potted were great, I were tempted to write them down lol. I were unlucky on 2 occasions not to run the rack but hey ho nevermind, he cleared up any mistakes I did.

I need to improve my 8UK further, watching him pot were all but a learning curve. Great player, good guy shame we both didn't play to our full potential.

Overall = 5-10, the scoreline does not reflect the closeness of the match.

I'll also add I am not playing a clan match so late in the evening again, we both suffered due to this.

All the best my friend.

Thread: Uprising - Revolution calls

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:50 Wed 25/04/12 (BST)  
You were Vice captain on this team, but you leave to go to a div.1 team,to show your full potential!?

You are better off on this team pal Just some useful advice

Your true stat's will show in Div.1
The thing is you don't know who I am so my " True Stats" will be shown just not the ones you expect

Thread: Uprising - Revolution calls

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:42 Wed 25/04/12 (BST)  
You were Vice captain on this team, but you leave to go to a div.1 team,to show your full potential!?

You are better off on this team pal Just some useful advice

Your true stat's will show in Div.1

Thread: Uprising - Revolution calls

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:32 Wed 25/04/12 (BST)  
Sorry to say but I'm leaving I have been invited to a Division 1 team were I think I would be able to show my full potential sorry but Good luck

Thread: Snooker Squad - Super League Shield Champions (IV)

Deleted User
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04:34 Wed 11/04/12 (BST)  
hes probably letting off some steam

I had a vodka,had a think and said to myself why should i deact,just silly..i know im better than what i showed.

Sorry for my loss it happens.

I will bounce back, strong as ever and treat every game like a FCL match which il try go unbeaten in. Sorry for my 5 mins of stupidness.

Snooker Squad.

everyone loses francis, you cant win them all , the whole of the team know that when you play to your full potential (in my opinion) your in the top 5 best players in this site... your like me, just dont screw the nut at times... it happens, just carry on and hump your next opponent pal.

Thread: Team Angry 4

Posts: 22,512
03:45 Fri 30/12/11 (GMT)  
How will that send a positive effect on your team mates though? saying you try your hardest and you think some of them dont seem bothered, maybe they not playing to full potential or the opponent just played a lot more better on the day.

Like therev's result - it may not be that he played bad at all but he is playing horse10000 he is one hell of a player and can be very hard to beat when on form, that does not mean your team mate basically gave up and never tried to get a few more points or the win.

Thread: The Unbeatables 9th Thread!!!!!!

Posts: 5,702
21:53 Thu 10/11/11 (GMT)  
Playing w_hoolahan now,

Gave johnn3tears a friendly clan match, non of us played up to full potential but was some ggs nether the less

im_crap_adam (7) vs (8) johnny3tears
8ball uk (2) - (3)
8ball us (1) - (4)
9ball (4) - (1)

ggs wp m8 will have to do agian sometime :P

Thread: Crazy Eights - Division 2 Champions

Posts: 1,381
22:53 Sat 06/08/11 (BST)  
captainking1 said:
I had a trial a while back and virtuosomuch said i could join as a sub, but my trial didnt show my full potential so I declined. But this time around I am hoping for more

Even though i am not associated with Crazy this season then team is actually full just now mate.

Thread: Crazy Eights - Division 2 Champions

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:42 Sat 06/08/11 (BST)  
I had a trial a while back and virtuosomuch said i could join as a sub, but my trial didnt show my full potential so I declined. But this time around I am hoping for more